How to use "value" in a sentence


She believed in the moral value of hard work, and she always gave her employers their money's worth.

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

The person who paid a fair price for something was likely to place far more value on it than the one who got the same item for nothing

In the hard light, the enormous architectural confections were not always appealing; at times, in spite of the billions of dollars of value that it represented, the Strip looked grubby.

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

The Network was clandestine and must remain clandestine if it was to have any value

Of course, when that was accomplished, Danny was of no more scientific value

To Tamaguchi, that meant he was of no value at all..

'You've been so honest that I value you even more than I did before.'