How to use "water" in a sentence


After a sudden storm, canyons can quickly fill with water

In seconds, the water can throw you against the canyon walls and kill you

I also have a full water bottle and an extra two litres in a CamelBak.

Without stopping to think, I take the water bottle from my bag and drink a third of it in five seconds.

This means that the most important thing of all is to save water.

I stop for a drink of water

I lay the multi-tool on the boulder and reach for the water bottle

I wonder how long I'll be able to survive with the water I have left, only two-thirds of a litre

I take a sip of water

I feel strong enough to survive the fear of death, but not my body's need for water

I now have only a quarter of a litre of water left

I spend most of the day chipping, resting, and counting the minutes before my next drink of water.

That's two whole days with no sleep and very little water

My water won't last much longer

Mosquitoes mean there must be water quite close - probably at the Big Drop Rappel.

You'll never see water again.

There's still half a cup of water left, but I want to save it.

I decide not to drink any more until the water is finished

That's sixty hours of pain, no sleep, and very little water.

Two hours later, it's time for my next sip of water

Some of the valuable water falls onto my shorts.

There's not enough water in my body to produce any tears

I pick up the bottle and feel the last of the water disappear down my throat

Then I pour the clearer half of the urine into my water bottle

I haven't had any clean water since eight o'clock yesterday morning, only urine

Two days without water

What I need most of all is water

On the ground in front of me is a pool of brown water

Then I notice that water is coming out of my CamelBak

Quickly, I drink the rest of the water

Now I only have the water in the water bottle

I take a sip and keep the water in my mouth as I walk

The paintings are amazing but all I can think of is water

I stop to fill the water bottle

The man gives me a bottle of water

Eric gives me more water while Monique and Andy run back to get the police

We could see it because there was a strange light under the water

My clothes felt heavy in the water

"When I saw you fall into the water, sir, I felt it was my duty to follow you."

It was dark and we knew that we had to stay in the water for the night

"Did you fall into the water too?"

"I only hope it doesn't go under the water."

He was a whale hunter and his life was above the water, hunting whales.

This ship goes above water every two days to fill it with clean air

The top of the Nautilus was just above the surface of the water

We had to wait six days for the water to rise before the ship could leave

They got into the water after us

One afternoon, while the Nautilus was on the surface of the water, I went upstairs to have a look outside

Captain Nemo fought with the shark, and there was blood in the water

Then, water surrounded the ship and there was no more land.

But the Nautilus did not go near the surface of the water again for some time

The Nautilus shook from the explosions of the cannonballs in the water, but it went forward, ready to attack the enemy ship.

I saw the men on the other ship fall into the water

But she couldn't stop the big tears and after a time there was water everywhere.

But before she got there, she fell into some water

The water was her tears.

Something was in the water - Alice could hear it

'I'll talk to you, but let's get out of the water.'

There were a lot of animals and birds in the water

When they saw her, they got out of the water too.

She wasn't in the long room anymore, and there was no table or water

It's got water in it.'

The 'showers' were just a long hole in the ground for us to stand in, while somebody threw water over us

There he took a net and put it in the water

She looked at him and said, 'I won't get you anything - not as much as a glass of warm river-water, you pig!' Then she looked at me and said, 'And how many babies have you killed today, you big ape?'

It had been in the water for about a month

The townspeople, who had never seen him before, watched with interest as he stopped for water at a fountain

Children followed him to the marketplace, where he stopped for more water at another fountain

One evening, Madame Thenardier ordered Cosette out into the cold to fetch water

The nearest water supply was half-way down the wooded hill on which Montfermeil stood, and Cosette hated fetching water, especially in the dark

She did not notice the coin that Mme Thenardier had given her for the bread fall out of her pocket into the water

Suddenly, an enormous hand reached down from the sky and took the bucket of water from her

Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

His feet slipped all the time in the water on the ground, and he felt sick and faint with the terrible, airless smell

At one point he had to walk waist-deep through water, and almost sank as the ground turned to sand beneath his feet

Then, just as he was bending to splash water from the river on Marius's face, he was aware of someone else standing behind him

He thinks that with her clothes and her coat on she will be too heavy and that the cold grey water of the loch will pull her down

"Bloody idiot," he says to Sylvia as they slowly move away from the jetty onto the dark water

Then he falls from the boat, and the ice-cold water takes the words and the air from his mouth

"Don't you dare call me that," she says in a tone as cold as the water

And then the oar hits him on the head, and he cannot think, and he cannot swim, and the water takes him.

The creek is twenty metres from the farm house, and the evening seems to be alive with insects and birds that live in the trees near the green water.

Soon all is quiet again, apart from the sound of three large crocodiles slowly creeping back to the green water

It feels like ice-cold water.

The next moment you are awake, a horrible sensation filling your body, and you are sure that ice-cold water is covering you.

No, it is not ice-cold water: it is fear.

Don't move! Part of you says, the part that feels the sensation of cold water on your skin again.

Brandon watches the clear water tumble onto the rocks, through the snow and down to the frozen forest below.

And Jimmy looks at the pool and the clear water, and he nods

Below the water a metal door slides open

For a moment there is nothing, but then two long, grey shapes appear in the clear water, and Jimmy starts to shout again.

"You should put some water on your face

All she needs is a little water.

Sala was so busy staring that she didn't look where she was going, and stepped into water up to her ankles.

"But who knows what there might he under the water!" laughed Cham."

All at once, she was floating in warm, clear water

The sound was traveling through the water

The dolphin whistled again, then turned away, its back making an arch in the water

When the water became shallower, the dolphins began to swim lazily in circles.

Floating gently, Sala looked down into the water's depths

Sala did the same with another dolphin and they had a lot of fun, diving down through the water and back up to the surface with a splash.

No water

And I loved it right at the end, when that big dolphin came up to you and lifted you out of the water."

Sala splashed some cold water on her face to wake herself up, and then hurried to the simulator center

White seabirds flew close to the surface of the water, fighting against the wind

Sala watched as Gran boiled the water

The water went all over the cloth and ran down on to my skirt

I washed my face with cold water and came out of the bathroom at once

'My dear, the water is always far too cold here,' said Beatrice.

We both went down to the water's edge and threw more stones

The tide was coming up into the bay and the water was beginning to cover the stones

The tide was out and there was very little water in the bay

I had to get water from the sea to clean the place.

I opened the sea cocks and the sea water flowed in

Otherwise the sea water comes in.'

As a sponge soaked up water, she took a chill from the surface of the slate

She poured two ounces into a water glass

Tina sat in one of the third-tier booths, nervously sipping ice water as she watched her show.

She let the hot water beat down on her neck for several minutes, until the stiffness in her muscles melted and flowed away.

Then, with characteristic stoicism, she returned to the boy's bedroom to wipe up the water from the melted ice, and she continued housecleaning.

The temperature plunged rapidly, and the beads of water froze

She drank a glass of cold water.

"That's my middle name." He finished washing the first brandy snifter, rinsed it in hot water, and put it in the drainage rack to dry.

Like the rush of water downstream

Tina's mouth began to water as soon as she stepped through the door.

While she thought about what Elliot had said, she dipped one finger in the water and drew a grim mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes in the circle; she added two horns, transforming the blot of moisture into a little demonic face

Sitting in a bathtub full of bloody water, staring at something fearsome beyond the veil between this world and the next

The wind blows the hat out across the water.

And these pains in my head - could you give me a glass of water?'

I brought the water to him

Then he took a small box from his pocket, took a pill from the box, and swallowed it with the water.

Your servant should water this plant every day

An empty pill bottle and a glass of water were on a table beside him

We had no idea that we were being studied almost as carefully as a scientist studies the small creatures in a drop of water

It has air and water and all that is necessary to support living things.

I fell heavily into a shallow pool of water.

I crawled out almost immediately and lay, my feet still in the water, under a bush

I was wet with rain above and pool-water below

At the sight of these strange, quick and terrible creatures, the crowd near the water's edge seemed for a moment to be totally shocked

'Get under water!' I shouted, but nobody listened.

I turned around again and ran towards the approaching Martian, ran right down the stony beach and dived into the water

I could hear people jumping off boats into the water.

A violent explosion shook the air, and a column of water, steam, mud and broken metal shot far up into the sky

In another moment a great wave of very hot water came sweeping round the bend

I rushed through the water until I could see round the bend

The Martian came into sight down the river, most of it under the water

Thick clouds of steam were pouring from the wreckage, and through it I could see its long legs and tentacles moving in the water.

A man, knee-deep in the water, shouted to me and pointed, although I could not hear what he said

At that moment I got under the water and, holding my breath until movement was painful, swam under the surface for as long as I could

When for a moment I raised my head to breathe and throw the hair and water out of my eyes, the steam was rising in a white fog that hid the Martians completely

The third and fourth stood beside him in the water

The Heat- Ray came down to the water's edge less than fifty metres from where I stood

It ran across the river and the water behind it boiled

In another moment a large wave of almost boiling water rushed towards me

'Have you any water?' I asked.

'You have been asking for water for the last hour,' he said.

From beyond the low hills across the water came the dull sound of the distant guns and a far-away strange crying

And where it met with water, or even mist or wet grass, a chemical action took place and it turned into a powder that sank slowly and made room for more.

When, an hour later, a Martian walked down the river, there was nothing but broken pieces of boats in the water.

It was the first Martian that my brother had seen, and he stood, more amazed than frightened, as it moved steadily towards the ships, walking further and further into the water

He got to his feet and saw to the right, less than a hundred metres away, the warship cutting through the water at full speed, throwing enormous waves out on either side.

Some water came over the side of the steamboat and blinded my brother for a moment

He looked past it at the Martians again and saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their legs were almost completely under water.

To the watchers on the steamboat, low in the water and with the sun in their eyes, it seemed that the warship was already among the Martians.

They saw the three thin figures separating and rising out of the water as they moved back towards the shore, and one of them raised the box that fired his Heat-Ray

He held it pointing down, and a cloud of steam came up from the water as it hit the ship.

In another moment it had hit the sea, and a great amount of water and steam flew high in the air

The guns of the Thunder Child were heard going off one after another, and one shot hit the water close by the steamboat.

I managed to get a couple of glasses of dirty water

On the thirteenth day I drank some more water, and thought of impossible plans of escape

When I reached the Thames, I drank as much water as I could

There is water in the boat and all your things are wet

At this point, the third man has pulled the boat out of the water

'If you're thirsty, we have water in the boat.' I said.

'However, I am very thirsty and I must drink something.' So he took the bottle and drank some water.

I saw him looking at the church, as we passed near it, so I moved the boat suddenly, and Harris's cap fell into the water

The lock-keeper I ran out, because he thought someone had fallen into the water

When he saw that no one was in the water, he returned to his work.

When George saw this, he took the rope out of the water

We wanted some hot water to make tea

We pretended that we were not interested in the water

We wanted the water to think that we did not care about it

This was the only way to make the water boil on a boat

If the water knows you are waiting for it, it will never get hot

This makes the water very angry

At this point, the water will boil!

We had planned to go swimming, but the water looked so cold and wet.

I decided to go to the river bank and throw some water on myself.

I held on to the branch of a tree as I moved to the water

I also drank about a bottle of Thames water.

'Good heavens! Old J is in the water!' Harris said.

'How's the water?' George asked.

Nobody wanted to try the water

The sun was going down, and there was a red light on the water

At Hambledon Lock, we discovered that we had no water

With a friendly smile he asked, 'May we have some water, please.'

'Where is the water?'

'I've drunk river water for the past fifteen years.'

'Well, sir, I don't think you look very healthy, after drinking all that river water

We left the lock-keeper's place and we found some water at another house.

The river was so dirty that our clothes collected all the dirt from the water

They come and stand half out of the water

After that, we had some hot water and whisky

She has often wished to drive very near to the end of the sands until the tyres of the car touched the water

He moves further up the sands, but the car is parked safely away from the sea, and the rising water cannot reach its tyres.

In one test, the women were placed in special rooms with water where they could not hear anything or see anything