How to use "excitedly" in a sentence


While she talked excitedly, she took out one of the letters

She waved excitedly

Cham and the other three talked excitedly about Pod Life, but Sala felt strange.

I cut the string excitedly and tore off the dark brown paper

Helen Mainway chattered excitedly about the spectacular special effects, and Elliot Stryker had an endless supply of compliments as well as some astute observations about the technical aspects of the production, and Charlie Mainway poured a third bottle of Dom PS 233; rignon, and the house lights came up, and the audience reluctantly began to leave, and Tina hardly had a chance to sip her champagne because of all the people who stopped by the table to congratulate her.

Elliot, I know exactly what it is! Come on," she said excitedly

"Listen," she said excitedly, "we thought someone was sending me messages about Danny being alive just to rub my face in the fact that he was actually dead - or to let me know, in a roundabout fashion, that the way he died wasn't anything like what I'd been told

'Listen.' She leaned forward excitedly

Miss Marple interrupted him excitedly