How to use "welcome" in a sentence


I thought perhaps they were there to welcome us, but I was wrong

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny

I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it

'Then you're welcome,' the innkeeper said.

I know I'm not welcome here, but I have come to ask for only one thing

Valjean realized what was happening; Marius was telling the servants not to make him welcome any more

"Passenger Cham, welcome to Pod Life

They gave her a big welcome, and Dani made green tea

There was no welcome in her dark eyes

I was glad of the dog's friendly welcome

We had to go back into the house to welcome the visitors

She grew dizzy from the bourbon and finally slipped into welcome oblivion.

With a chilly night wind moaning at the windows and howling incessantly under the eaves, the blazing fire was welcome.

He sensed that he was witnessing a joyous display, a warm greeting, the excited welcome of a child-ghost

A warm, animal satisfaction rose in him, which was not an entirely welcome feeling, for he liked to think of himself as a civilized man

At most, people believed there might be living things on Mars, perhaps less developed than us and ready to welcome visitors