How to use "wine" in a sentence


'Have some wine,' the Mad Hatter said politely.

'I don't see any wine,' she answered.

'Then why did you say, "Have some wine"? It wasn't very polite of you,' Alice said angrily.

He sat down and Cosette, after serving him some wine, returned to her place under the table

As soon as the fighting started, Enjolras and several of his friends started to build a barricade outside the Corinth wine shop in the rue de la Chanvrerie, a small street surrounded by dark alleys in the market district of Paris

Marius stood up and ran along a series of alleys that led into the rue de la Chanvrerie, behind the Corinth wine shop

Marius, who had thrown away his guns and was now without a weapon, began to move towards a barrel of gunpowder he had seen near the door of the wine shop

She pressed her hand to her chest, from which blood was pouring like dark wine

Then he returned to the wine shop, and opened the letter that she had given him

The ground floor of the wine shop became a hospital for the wounded, and the bodies of the dead were taken to an alley near the smaller of the two barricades

The battle continued for some time; the cannon destroyed the upper windows of the wine shop, and did some damage to the barricade, but the rebels did not withdraw

Some men, including Marius, stayed on the main barricade, while the others built a low stone wall around the door of the wine shop

Enjolras, inside the wine shop, turned to Javert, who was still tied to the post.

The rebels rushed to their positions, leaving Valjean alone with Javert inside the wine shop

The rebels fought long and hard to defend the stronghold, but finally they had to withdraw to the low wall outside the wine shop

One by one the remaining rebels escaped into the wine shop, until only Enjolras and Marius were left outside

The soldiers, meanwhile, attacked the wine shop

When Marius had been hit, Valjean ran to him at once, grabbed him before he fell and carried his unconscious body into a small alley behind the wine shop

She can get it as she passes the restaurant, buy a bottle of wine from the local shop and be in bed by ten o'clock.

Although she wasn't much of a drinker, indulging in nothing more than a glass of wine now and then, with no capacity whatsoever for hard liquor, she finished the bourbon in two swallows

In the refrigerator was a half-empty bottle of white wine

After the shower, the chilled wine further relaxed her body, although it did little to calm her mind and allay her anxiety

Her wits were dulled by wine and exhaustion

We were just finishing our lunch and I was pouring some wine into Henri's glass for him to dip a biscuit in

It was lucky that he was staring at the wine glass and not at me, or something in my expression might have frightened him.

When the servant brought my supper, I poured myself a glass of wine, and locked the door after her

Melchett followed me there and I went and got a bottle of wine and two glasses.

With wine and food and the need to help my wife feel less afraid, I slowly became braver and felt safer.

I remember the dinner table that evening very clearly even now: my dear wife's sweet, worried face looking at me from under the pink lamp-shade, the white cloth laid with silver and glass, the glass of red wine in my hand

I put my hand out and my fingers closed around a bottle of wine.

Afterwards we drank wine and played cards

In some places thieves had been at work, but usually only at the food and wine shops

A broken bottle of wine had formed a pool on the pavement

I thought of the poisons in the chemists' shops, the bottles in the wine shops...

We didn't take wine or beer, because they both make you sleep.

"Here is a glass of wine."

"Sit down! Eat these cakes and this wine."