How to use "won" in a sentence


You won't get back before dark,' she says.

It's only about three metres, so I won't need any equipment

If I don't appear, will they go to my truck to find me? I won't be there

My friends won't worry, either

I make a promise that I won't do it again

My water won't last much longer

I feel sure I won't survive another night in the canyon

I try to drop the rock, but the fingers of my hand won't open.

That means I won't have to cut through bone anymore

That won't be long if you don't start walking

Even with Eric's help, I know I won't be able to climb it

She catches a mouse every day - Oh! You're angry again! We won't talk about Dinah any more-'

'Come back again and we won't talk about cats or dogs.'

'I can tell you,' said the Dodo,' but I won't

'Oh no, you won't,' thought Alice

She thought, 'I won't speak to it before it has its ears - or perhaps one ear.'

I ran well, and we won 35 to 3

'Maybe it won't taste very good,' I said.

She looked at him and said, 'I won't get you anything - not as much as a glass of warm river-water, you pig!' Then she looked at me and said, 'And how many babies have you killed today, you big ape?'

Suddenly Jenny said, 'Did you know that Forrest won a medal?'

It started when I arm-wrestled a man in the bar, and won some money on a bet

None of them won because I was too strong, but plenty of people wanted to try their luck.

Jenny wasn't happy about the wrestling but I won a lot of money - sometimes by winning fights, sometimes by losing them because Mike told me to lose them

'He hasn't got time to be an actor.' 'It won't take long,' said Mr Felder.

'He won't be any trouble, Mr Tribble,' I said.

'Forrest,' said Mr Tribble, 'You're a wonderful chess player, but I never know what's going to happen next! Here's half of the money that you've won - it's almost five thousand dollars

But he won't live long, I'm afraid.'

But you won't be able to prove that, you know

You won't be able to prove anything!'

'I'll take care of myself, and I won't fall into his hands.

'Where are you going tomorrow evening? I won't be able to sleep if you don't tell me.'

Your wife will have to count the sous when she goes to the market, won't she?'

He'll be so happy to see me that he won't care who I marry

I won't allow you to spend another day here.'

Can't you let me go? You won't ever see me again, I promise!" Gerry begs.

"I know I won't, Gerry, because you're going to go on a little trip..

And this one, he hopes, will have a little more respect for him and won't laugh at him.

"What?" his brother said, his eyes full of anger: "You think I do? Idiot, we won't hurt anyone

But he entered my competition, and he used his tricks and his fast fingers, and he won every game until it came to the final."

"I'll worry about it and then I won't be able to swim."

We won't."

It won't take long, and you're free to ask any questions

I won't forget."

"No, no, I won't

"I won't," said Mom

"If the government comes here, they won't find anything," said Gran

"Of course they won't," said Mom

When you know what they're trying to do, you're one step ahead; you've won half the battle already

'You won't get better unless you stay quietly in bed

I won't see you tonight

You won't find it easy to look after Manderley

You won't have to say anything

'It won't take long and then you can have your tea in peace.'

'Yes, but she won't stay long

He won't follow me.'

She won't come back, will she?'

'She won't come back.'

He's a bit mad, but he won't hurt you

'You won't lock me up, will you?'

But you won't lock me up, will you?'

'I won't say anything to Maxim.'

'I hope you won't be so thin next time I see you,' Beatrice said as she got into her car

I won't even have him in the gardens

'You won't know it's me,' I told them

'She won't tell anyone

'I won't push you

'The big ship won't go down like the little one

She won't come back, will she?'

'Rebecca has won,' he said.

"It won't be easy to divorce me," she said

They'll think that, won't they, Maxim?' I said.

Rebecca had not won, she had lost.

'There won't be any trouble at the inquest

'I won't come in with you after all.'

'It won't last much longer,' he told me

'You will telephone, won't you?' Frank said as he stood on the steps.

You think you've won, but don't be too sure, I haven't finished with you yet.'

'I'm not sure that Rebecca hasn't won, even now,' Maxim went on

When Danny was six months old, Tina went into training to get back in shape, and after three arduous months of exercise, she won a place in the chorus line of a new Vegas spectacle

With that attitude plus a few money-management skills, they were able to hang on longer than most slot players who plunged at the dollar machines after getting nowhere with quarters, and because of their patience and perseverance, the duchesses won more jackpots than did the tide of tourists that ebbed and flowed around them

I won't have to hang around the stage

"It won't be easy staying away

Heart attacks are more frequent around the slot machines than anywhere else in the casino, and a lot of the victims are people who've just lined up three bars and won a bundle.

But with Magyck! Running successfully, you won't have all that much to do

It won't be like before."

The average gambler won't cancel other planned trips to Vegas

"In your condition, throwing off all that nervous energy the way you are, two small brandies won't affect you in the slightest."

They probably won't think it's serious enough to waste their time

remains, I won't be able to entertain any more doubts

"Of course," he said, "exhumation of the body won't answer the main question

It won't help you discover who's been harassing you."

"I'll need an attorney to handle this, won't I?"

it won't be that way."

If we're clever, he won't know what we're doing until the exhumation is a fait accompli

There won't be many judges around over the holiday

Most likely, Michael won't be able to get hold of a judge until Monday morning, and by then it'll be too late."

"We'll see each other tonight, won't we?" he asked.

"If there's no hitch, maybe the father won't ever find out about the exhumation."

"As long as you cooperate, you won't get hurt," the tall man assured him.

You won't do that," Elliot said, wishing that he felt as confident as he sounded

"These drugs won't do any lasting physical or mental damage."

"It's a lot, thirty or forty questions altogether, but it won't take long if you just sit down over there and cooperate."

"Hell, you won't be able to tell them who we were or where they can start looking for us

They won't get anywhere

I won't be needing anything."

So he ran for an elective position on the court, and he won

And in a small local election like the one Kennebeck won, stacking the deck would be easy if you had enough money and government muscle behind you."

But once those seeds are sown, once the parents of the other scouts and the entire city are clamoring for an investigation, Kennebeck's buddies won't have anything to gain by eliminating us

"I won't stop until I know what really happened to Danny."

And the shops in the hotels won't be closed

Yet he won steadily

Michael used a jar full of peanuts to represent casino chips, and Danny won every nut in the jar."

"It won't be."

And he won't."

"But he won't come

They won't go to Pannafin

And you won't know for sure until he lands up there."

Instead, Dombey said, "We won't have to move him

The cold spell won't last." He squinted into the smaller room, where the boy lay motionless on a hospital bed, under a white sheet and yellow blanket, trailing monitor wires

It won't be clean research."

What's that? You mean we're bugged? Then we'll have to abandon the car, won't we?"

They'll be looking at you, and they won't see me."

"They won't."

"They won't get me

They won't expect us to be that bold

"The next time I read a story in the newspaper about some guy, who says he was picked up in a flying saucer and taken on a tour of the universe, I won't be so quick to laugh

If we're lucky, we'll have Danny when we come out, and he probably won't be in any condition to trek through the Sierras in the dead of winter."

"It won't be easy."

If security discovers we're here, at least they won't be able to get their hands on us for a while."

"If you cooperate, you won't get hurt." He waved the barrel of the gun at the older man

The things done to Danny Evans don't constitute 'great work.' They won't earn anyone immortality

"I won't hesitate."

"You won't," Alexander said

They might pretend to close us down, but they won't

We won the arbitration, and the writer has not, in the intervening twenty-odd years, become a famous director or, as far as I know, a director of any status.

I hope your enemies will be happy with that, and then you won't be in danger any more

'Well, I hope they won't kill young Openshaw,' I said.

May I do it? It won't be very nice to watch, you know.'

'Protect my boy from what? Don't you understand? I'm here so that Henri won't be the son of a woman who went to the guillotine for having murdered his father! Don't you understand that I would much prefer the guillotine to the living death of this asylum?'

I won't let anybody see you.'

Now, can't you let me see your face, Andre? I won't be afraid.'

And Mary will describe how you waved the knife in a violent manner, won't you, Mary?'

It really is stupid - I go on the beach in my bathing dress, but now father won't allow Lawrence into the house

I've got to see Protheroe, but we won't be long.'

Inspector Slack said he was coming to see me this morning, but has just phoned to say it won't be necessary.'

'Surely, Lettice, a yellow hat won't be much good to you just now?'

'You mean I should wear black? I won't bother

As Dr Haydock climbed into the driving seat, he said, 'You won't be able to put him in prison

But they won't keep doing that

'There won't be anything important for a million years or more - no music, no art and no nice little visits to restaurants

'We won't argue about that

He won most of the games, and when we did not want to play any more I went back up on the roof.

If I see a rat, you won't stop the boat so I can run after it

We won't take a heavy tent

Harris finally won the fight.

The trouble is, her big sister - sensible, married Connie - won't like it at all...

'But they won't be too surprised.'

I won't let you question me like a prisoner every time I am a little late.'

'Anyway, you won't believe me if I tell you the truth.'

What worries me now is that she won't tell me where she's living

I hope you won't be bored here

'I hope he won't pay me any compliments,' said Miss Fairlie.

'I know that Percival has debts,' she said, 'but I won't sign anythin without reading it first.'

He won't ask Lady Glyde to sign anything today.'

'We've won,' said the Count

Lady Glyde won't live much longer.'

The Count read the note and immediately knew that I had won

In December 2014, Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace Prize

This is thanks to brave women like Emmeline Pankhurst and Hatoon al-Fassi who fought so hard and won.

Today some people say that women have won the fight for equality

The fight for work and equal pay has not been won

In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry without her husband

Since those days, a lot of female scientists have won the Nobel Prize - women like Barbara McClintock, Rita Levi-Montalcini and Gertrude B

Tu Youyou is a Chinese chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 2015

She won the "popular vote", which means that more of the Americans who voted, voted for her, but she was not elected.

Fanny won a lot of races when she was young

Then she won the 200 metres race and the 4 x 100 metres relay race.

When she won the US Open tournament in 1972, she received 15,000 dollars less than the men's top player, Ilie Nastase

He won the Wimbledon men's tournament in 1939, and he was the world number one tennis player in 1941, 1946 and 1947

Bobby Riggs won easily

She won 100,000 dollars

In her tennis career, Billie Jean won thirty-nine big tournament titles