How to use "write" in a sentence


I am so certain of this that I take the knife and write the dates of my life on the canyon wall

I had enough information to write a new book

Perhaps somebody will write a book about this place - and about me! Perhaps I will, when I'm bigger.' Then she remembered

I can think things OK, but when I have to say them or write them down, sometimes they come out all wrong

I am crying while I write this, but please don't try to find me.

He wants a policy for two thousand pounds and he has asked Mr Slinkton to write a reference for him.

But perhaps he did not write the message

He gave up studying law and earned his living by working in a bookshop and helping to write dictionaries

'Books!' she said, and then added with pride, 'I know how to read and write

I realize that you don't have the money with you now, but I want you to write a letter

In reality, however, all he does is press 'play' on the recording device and write down a few notes about when the judge enters, when the prosecution or defence speaks, or what the final verdict is

Who could I write to? I knew nobody

'I'll write him a letter,' Frank said.

'We'll write to you if we do

And why would a first-rate burglar leave without taking anything? Why break in merely to write on Danny's chalkboard and to wreck the dead boy's things?

While he was still under the influence of the drug, they might be able to make him write a suicide note and sign it in a legible, identifiable script

I'm pretty sure we can find a reporter who'll go with that much and write a story about how a bunch of nameless, faceless people want to keep us from reopening Danny's grave, how maybe something truly strange lies at the bottom of the Sierra tragedy

"Is that who's been in Danny's room? Did someone from Project Pandora write on the chalkboard..

This was one of my early attempts to write a cross-genre novel mixing action, suspense, romance, and a touch of the paranormal

I had spent more time in useless development meetings than I had required to write both of those screenplays.

When he had gone, I tried to write my sermon, but at half past five, the telephone rang

'He sits down to write this, an enemy comes in through the glass door and shoots him.'

'Imagine,' I said, 'that at about 6.30 Colonel Protheroe sat down to write that he couldn't wait any longer

'There are so many letters to write

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

They write to her and tell her to send them a hundred pounds, or they will tell her new husband everything

I'll write the list.'

George will write the list, and I'll do the work.'

'If something happens, we'll write to you,' we said, telling him a big lie.

'Please, Miss Halcombe,' said Sir Percival, 'write to Mrs Catherick and ask her to confirm my explanation.'

You must now write a will saying who you wish to leave the other twenty thousand pounds to when you die.'

They are married! My dear sister has gone! I am crying so much I cannot write anymore.

'I'll write to Fosco

I write, magnificent Marian, to console you

The Count began to write

In the 18th and 19th centuries, people started to think, write and talk about women's education more and more.

Any woman who has the vote, and can read and write, can say thank you to Mary Wollstonecraft.

She could not read or write, but she was very intelligent.

In it, she said, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." With this famous sentence, Simone was the first thinker to write about sex and gender

Women from all over the world can write to the website about the things that happen to them.

Alyssa told women to write about sexism and harassment on social media to show how big the problem was

"I must write a letter to the Governor