How to use "did" in a sentence


When I did this last night, the time seemed to pass more slowly

By 6.00 pm, I have taken off more of the boulder in three hours than I did in four days

And that's what I did.

"But why did you risk your life to save mine?"

"I sure did and it was a good thing I landed on this

They spoke a language which I did not understand

I told them our story, but they did not seem to understand

Where did he come from? Why did he leave "our" world?

"Captain, did you hear me?"

"I did, and there is no reason to worry

I did not want to say anything about the sick man, but I was curious

The Nautilus did not seem to have any particular direction

I did not see Captain Nemo for some days after the man's death

I saw in his face that he did understand Ned Land

Conseil loved the sea, but I did not think he wanted to live his life there

But the Nautilus did not go near the surface of the water again for some time

I did not understand how such things could be there.

Atlantis did exist, but only Captain Nemo knew for sure.

"And did it have a mouth and nose like a bird's?"

They did not know what it was

Captain Nemo did not wait for the answer

I did not find you

I did not see Captain Nemo or any of his men

'Oh, why did I talk about Dinah?' cried Alice

'The Duchess! The Duchess! She'll be angry! They'll cut off my head, I know! Oh, where is it? Where did it fall?'

Oh, why did I go down the rabbit-hole? But it is interesting here

'A cake? Why did they throw a cake?' she wondered.

It did not speak for some minutes, then it said, 'So you're different, are you?'

She went to the brown mushroom and did the same with her left hand.

But the Duchess did not say anything to her, so Alice asked, 'Please, why is your cat smiling?'

The Duchess did nothing, but the baby started to cry

'Then why did you say, "Have some wine"? It wasn't very polite of you,' Alice said angrily.

The Knave did this very carefully, with one foot.

'Why did you call me? I wanted to finish my tea,' he said.

'When did you begin your tea?' asked the King.

'But what did the Mouse say?' asked the King.

Alice did not feel very well

But when I did this, people looked at me, and Jenny got down lower and lower in her place

After several minutes, Bubba was getting really excited and saying, 'Good, good, good!' Then he asked, 'Where did you learn to play like that?'

How did it happen? I'm not sure

'Forrest, where did you learn to play that thing?'

And I did

"Just give me that boy in my team for a year!", and they did

He looked up at me, and said, 'Forrest, why did this happen?' What could I say? Then he said, 'Play me a song on the harmonica, will you?'

Which I did!

How did it happen? I don't know

Why don't you wait at the side of the factory? It's almost lunch-time, and she'll probably come out.' So I did.

To make a long story short - he did.

But then I did something stupid again

'Where did you learn to play chess?' he asked.

But things did not go well

But Jenny only did what she had to do

And I did

So I did

Well, after that, I did a few things

Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations, and had never recanted them

'What did he want?' I enquired.

'He knew my name then, did he?'

I did not know what he was talking about.

But did you know Mr Meltham?' I asked.

I did not think he was really sad about Mr Meltham at all

'She died, did she?' Mr Slink-ton repeated

I did not see Mr Slinkton again for six or seven months

I was sorry to see that Miss Niner did not look very well at all

I did not stay there with her for more than two minutes

The young man did not seem at all drunk now

At first Mr Slinkton did not know how to react

He did not say a word.

I did everything that I could to help him, but the poor man died a few months later.

One of the poorest areas in London, Whitechapel did not have many street lamps

The men looked at the woman, but in the darkness they did not know if she was drunk or dead

Mrs Emma Green lived in the cottage next to the stableyard; she did not hear anything either

But he did not know that this killer was different - clever, efficient, and savage

Her son, John, helped her in the business but he did not live in Hanbury Street

He thought it was somebody falling against the fence, but he did not look to see what it was

The next day she told Amelia she did not feel well

She told the deputy that she did not have any money, but asked him to keep her bed because she wanted to return with the money

Schwartz did not want any trouble so he crossed to the other side of the street

Although we do not know what time the killer arrived there, we know what his victim did and can follow her movements on the night of September 29-30th.

But perhaps he did not write the message

Or did he see the graffito and leave the apron there to put the blame on the Jews?

He did not see or hear anything when he entered it and discovered the body at 1.44

Nobody knows why she did not marry him

He was a reliable, kind man who did not want Mary to go out on the streets

Although men went in and out of the court, she did not hear anything suspicious

Mrs Lewis did nothing because cries like this were usual in Whitechapel

There were lots of suspects at the time, but the police did not have any real evidence against them

Mrs Darrell did not see his face, so her impression that he was a darklooking foreigner aged over forty is not certain.

But they did not come out, so he went away as the church clock struck three o'clock.

The Ripper did not stay with his victims for hours before killing them.

Some writers have asked why he did not go to the police before the inquest

After the murders in Berner Street and Mitre Square the streets were too dangerous for the Ripper, which explains why he did not kill in October

If Hutchinson was the Ripper, why did he stop killing? We know that by 1891 he had moved away from Whitechapel

But they could not print details of the killer's mutilations, which the doctor did not reveal

Sellers of fruit, sweets and nuts did a fabulous trade

He did not see a young boy run out with a note that the innkeeper had quickly written

He did not see the boy return a short time later and whisper something to the innkeeper.

The policemen left, but Valjean did not move

He did not know what to think

Valjean, who did not remember having made such a promise, was silent.

He was filled with a strange kind of anger, but he did not know why

But now, for the first time in twenty years, a man had shown him great kindness, and he did not know what to feel.

This time, however, he did not catch it and it rolled along the ground towards Valjean, who immediately put his foot on it.

Valjean lowered his head and did not reply.

He bent down to pick up his bag but, as he did so, he caught sight of the silver coin, half-buried by his foot in the earth.

She did not smile, and lines of sadness ran down the side of her pale cheeks

At these words, Fantine did a very strange thing

The Thenardiers did not feel guilty about treating Cosette badly because Fantine had stopped sending them regular payments.

But her happiness did not last long

Fantine, who did not have ten francs, but who was afraid that her daughter would freeze to death, went to the barber's shop

Fantine felt desperate; she did not know how to obtain such a large sum of money

There was one man, however, who did not like M

Now I've become a bad woman, but what choice did I have? I'll never get my daughter back if I don't make money.'

The devil had suddenly decided to be kind, and she did not know what to think.

But what choice did he have? The truth was more important than anything else.

The courtroom filled with laughter and Champmathieu began to laugh himself, which did him no good at all.

But the idea did not last for long

She did not notice the coin that Mme Thenardier had given her for the bread fall out of her pocket into the water

Her happiness did not last long, however

She did not know where to, or with whom

His only neighbour was an old woman, who did his housework and kept his stove burning

Valjean did not move

He did not earn very much money, but it was enough for the rent and simple meals

As he walked past, he kept his eyes fixed on the girl, but she did not seem to notice him

He did not go back a third time, but sat down on a bench at the opposite end of the Gardens

He did the same every day for two weeks

He avoided walking directly in front of the bench, partly from shyness, partly because he did not want to attract her father's attention

Leblanc became irregular in his visits and did not always bring his daughter with him

When this happened, Marius did not stay in the Gardens, which was another mistake.

Leblanc and his daughter did not come to the Gardens at all

They did not come for a whole week, and Marius began to feel depressed

The next day they did not go to the Gardens, so again Marius went to the house as night was falling

Almost fainting, he asked in a weak voice, 'When did he leave?'

She clapped her hands and cried, 'We've been looking for that everywhere! How did you know they were mine? Of course, the handwriting

Jondrette rushed to open it, bowing almost to the ground as he did so.

She did not reply but stood thoughtfully looking at him, seeming to have lost all her earlier confidence

Leblanc because he did not know the old man's address

The prisoner did not move

Then he turned to the prisoner and said in a slow, threatening voice, 'What did you hope to gain by giving me a false name and address?'

Cosette felt suddenly faint, but she did not move or make a sound.

He did not notice a soldier aiming his gun at him

Neither did he see, at the moment the soldier fired, a young boy dressed in rags jump in front of the gun and fall wounded as the bullet meant for Marius hit him in the hand.

He was so confused that he did not recognize Javert, tied to a post inside the inn throughout the battle.

Cosette, however, did not leave her bedroom the next day, and Jean Valjean had dinner alone

As he was eating, Toussaint told him about the fighting in the city, but he did not pay much attention

As long as he had Cosette, he would be happy, and it did not matter where they lived

He stared down at the four uniforms but, as he did so, a fifth uniform fell as if by magic at his feet.

They did not have long to wait.

The cannonball crashed into the bottom of the barricade with a loud explosion, but did little damage

The battle continued for some time; the cannon destroyed the upper windows of the wine shop, and did some damage to the barricade, but the rebels did not withdraw

They were filled with hope that help would come soon, but the hope did not last long

He did not know what part of the city he was passing under or how far he had come

Valjean did not show that he recognized the man, and saw with relief that Thenardier had not recognized him.

Javert, however, did not recognize Valjean at first

Javert did not seem to hear

Javert looked unhappy, but he did not refuse

'The fool! He did this to hurt me, the ungrateful boy

He did strange, unexpected things, like running up and down stairs without knowing why

Valjean, as her guardian, gave Cosette a large amount of money - half a million francs - but did not tell her that the money was his

Marius did not speak much to Valjean

He did it without any thought of a reward

That night he went home in despair, and the next evening he did not come at all.

When Valjean did not appear for the second evening, Cosette sent a servant to his house to ask if he was well

He did not return to the house again, and Cosette was too busy with married life to think too much about him

She did not realize that, every evening, Valjean would walk slowly from his house until he reached the corner of the street where she lived

However, Marius had a shock when he saw the man - he did not recognize him at all! He was an old man with a big nose, glasses and neat grey hair

Jean Valjean did not rob M

Madeleine, nor did he kill Javert.'

'First, he did not kill M

Madeleine! And second, he did not kill Javert because Javert killed himself

'Cosette, did you hear what he said?' Marius cried, tears of shame and guilt rolling down his cheeks

And do you know what he did? He saved my life and he brought me back to you

Marius and Cosette both did their best to raise Valjean's spirits, to show him how much they loved and needed him, to fill him with the strength and the desire to live again

Jean Valjean's hands rested on their bowed heads, and did not move again

The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."

"How did you know, kid?" a voice says, but this time it is not Nick.

The friend, Mr Harris, says that Miss Lee did not say anything to Mr Dawson and that the only thing Mr Dawson said was 'Hello'

I never hurt anyone; she did

But tell me, why did you stay in the city? Why not run for the countryside? Or hop on a ferry out of here?"

Now, you did say Howth Road?"

What did he do last night? He tries to remember, he tries to remember exactly what happened

It was something stupid: something he said or did.

But someone did get hurt.

But Brandon did not do that

He did not do any of that

So that's what they did: they took the kid as he walked into town

So how did it all go wrong?

"How? How did you find us? You only had a few hours to get the money."

"I already did" she calls back to him as she slowly disappears from sight.

When did you last see him?"

"And did he leave the school last night?"

"How did you know Mr Cliff was here, Miss White?"

"Er, well, yes I did notice, Sir."

"You did? Good

Junior said that to walk there was stupid, because they had a car, and despite all of Owen's arguments, the teenager did not change his mind.

Then maybe in a few years they can start to go for a pint like Owen and his father did.

"When did they last eat, Clive?"

"But, Mr Wynn, how did you know he cheated? We didn't see anything on the cameras," Clive asks.

It was crazy the way it did that, even after a whole year together.

With five of them sharing, an hour cost just one energy unit each, so they did this often

Sala and Cham stepped off the walkway near their apartment blocks, and as they did so, someone knocked Sala's elbow, then held her arm for a second.

Sala, where did you get this?" she whispered.

"So, where did it come front?" Gran, still pale, said nothing.

They did not want anyone going into the contaminated world beyond - it was much too dangerous, they said.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to travel like you did?" Sala asked

"You didn't say you'd do it, did you?" she whispered.

you didn't see anyone else today, did you?"

The mystery woman: Who was she? How did she know about Gran? She wondered when she would see her again...

There was a choice of lifelike views in 3D - not as clever as the illusions in the simulator, but they did help the family to forget, at times, that they lived deep under the ground.

"She did

But who are you? Where did it come from?"

Sala did the same with another dolphin and they had a lot of fun, diving down through the water and back up to the surface with a splash.

"But you did enjoy it, right?"

She wished she could be with Cham, but his family was in crisis; they all needed him more than she did right now

Sala did as the woman had said: she turned and walked down the street

"Who are they? How did they get it across the boundary?"

"So, was that note really from Gran's brother? Are people alive out there - outside the city? How did you get the note across the force field?" She had so many questions.

"So what did we say?" she demanded.

"So, how did Eston's note arrive?"

And then, one day, it did

They will soon discover he's telling the truth - that as far as he knows, we did receive a letter

"Wena didn't tell you, did she?"

Young people who did it would stop thinking independently

She did not belong in the pod

She did not belong to the government

'At least, she did not think you were

He did not answer

I felt that he did not want to talk about his home.

I did not want Mrs Van Hopper to hear me

I did not feel shy with de Winter

He did not talk about his life there, but about the house itself

I did not reply

The afternoon with Mrs Van Hopper did not matter

But she did not.

I did not answer

I did not know whether to laugh or cry

How did you do it?'

I did not know what to say

I did not say anything

I did not want to be alone with Mrs Danvers

I did not know what to say

How did you get on with Mrs Danvers? She's a strange woman in many ways

This is what he always did, I thought

This is what he did before he knew me

Maxim did not look at me

But I did not feel very happy as Maxim walked out of the room

I went into the hall again, I did not know which way to go

I did not expect the telephone to ring.'

I did not know what had happened down in the bay

I could see that he loved it as much as Maxim did.

The past and the future did not matter at all

'What did you think of Beatrice?' Maxim asked me

'What did she talk to you about after lunch?'

'I think I did most of the talking,' I said

'What on earth did she expect?'

Maxim did not answer

We called and whistled, but he did not come.

The dog looked up, but he did not come to me

'I didn't say anything, did I?' The man's eyes were full of fear

Where did you get that string?'

We did not go down to the beach again

I did not want anyone to talk about the sea or boats

I did not mind

I did not care

But I did not want to ask Maxim.

'I did not know you had dances here.'

Frank did not reply at once

'I suppose Rebecca did most of it.'

Frank did not answer me.

'Yes, she did

'When did they find her?' I felt I must know everything now

But Frank did not sit in the morning room every day as I did

He did not sit at Rebecca's desk and touch the things she had touched

Dear God, I did not want to think about Rebecca

She did not forget

She did not seem surprised

'What did you do with the pieces?' said Maxim.

'Perhaps I did a very selfish thing when I married you,' he said slowly

Maxim did not answer

The sun was shining today and the cottage did not look frightening any more

I started to run up the path and did not feel safe until I reached the lawn

I had never seen it before and I hoped the visitor did not want to stay to tea.

I did not know what to do

I did not like him at all.

I did not like the way that Favell spoke about Maxim

I did not want to look at his car

'I did not expect to see you here, Mrs Danvers

I hoped that Maxim would ask for me but he did not.

I did not want Beatrice to tell Maxim about the visit

But I did want to find out more about the man.

Beatrice did not look at me.

'I did not like him,' I said.

'No, I don't suppose that you did,' Beatrice answered.

I hoped that she would tell me more about Favell, but she did not

I did not feel like sitting in the house by myself

But I did not go near the sea

Thank God she did not know I was watching her

He did not say anything about Mrs Danvers or Favell.

I did not know what Maxim was thinking

I did not want to be a child

I did not know what to wear

I made sketches of some of the costumes, but I did not like any of them

I did not know what to say

I did not know what I was doing

He thinks that you did it as a joke

I did not say anything.

I did not answer and Beatrice walked slowly to the door and went out.

What was the time? I did not know

But Maxim did not come.

He did not belong to me, he belonged to Rebecca

'How did he sleep? How was he at breakfast?'

'Frank,' I said slowly, 'Maxim did not come to bed last night.'

Maxim thinks I did it as a joke.'

I did not want to see Frank

'Why did you ever come to Manderley?' she said

She did not answer.

Mrs Danvers did not seem to hear me

You'll go to him like you did when Mr Favell came here.

'He doesn't want you, he never did

Maxim did not love me.

I did not know what Ben meant

I did not look at the cottage

But why did he want to see Maxim?

Maxim did not answer.

'I nearly did, once,' Maxim said

'I did not kill her then,' he said

I did not say anything

Maxim did not love Rebecca

Rebecca did not say anything

I was no longer afraid of Rebecca; I did not hate her any more

She waited, but I did not say anything

Mrs Danvers did not frighten me any more

She was my enemy and I did not care

I did not look at Maxim during lunch

There is nothing to show what I did

We did not walk in the woods or go down to the sea

There were clouds, but the rain did not fall.

Frank did not answer

Frank did not answer

'Why do they think Rebecca did that?'

The rain was falling so heavily that I did not hear Frith come in.

The rain was so heavy that we did not hear the sound of the car

Ben did not answer.

Favell did not answer

Favell stared at Mrs Danvers as though he did not understand her.

'There you are! What did I tell you?' Favell shouted.

Tomorrow will be a long day.' He held my hand for a moment, but he did not look into my eyes

We did not say anything

Maxim slept on and I did not wake him

We did not know what we should find at the end of the journey.

Maxim looked pale and tired, but he did not say anything

She did not kill herself

'Danny? Why did...?' Favell began

I did not say anything

'What time did you say it was?' I said suddenly.

"We did it!" Joel shouted as he approached her

"Hey, I did you no favors, kid

She was in such an excellent mood that she didn't think even the sight of his room would be able to bring her down, as it usually did

After the shower, the chilled wine further relaxed her body, although it did little to calm her mind and allay her anxiety

"You see what he just did?" Helen asked Tina, clapping her hands with delight

She did a first-rate job

Some people for whom she cleaned house insisted that she keep regularly scheduled appointments, and they did a slow burn if she showed up more than a few minutes late

With that attitude plus a few money-management skills, they were able to hang on longer than most slot players who plunged at the dollar machines after getting nowhere with quarters, and because of their patience and perseverance, the duchesses won more jackpots than did the tide of tourists that ebbed and flowed around them

She did some deep-breathing exercises, trying to calm herself.

Not unexpectedly, he received considerably more tips than most dealers did.

It was no surprise that women players tipped him more often and more generously than did men.

Then, as they stepped out of the rear entrance of the hotel and walked along the edge of the parking lot in the seventy-degree winter sunshine, he said, "So what did you want to talk about?"

"When did this happen?"

I'm not really sure why I did," she lied

You don't understand me one bit better now than you did when we divorced."

Someone really did break in

But did you ever stop to realize what effect your absences had on Danny? If you loved family life so much, why didn't you spend all those weekends with your son?"

She just surrendered to the racking grief that swept through her and did not question it.

She didn't want to look at the screen again, but she did

"Why? Why did a man like Bill Jaborski do something so stupid as that?"

Bill Jaborski was smart, tough, clever, and filled with respect for the danger in what he did

"I wish I did."

I can't think of anyone I know who'd be capable of this sort of thing even if they did hate me enough to contemplate it

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

"How did the authorities identify the body?"

Her mother was shattered, couldn't bear to view the body, though the daughter hadn't suffered substantial physical damage, the way Danny did

The project became a vocation for her, and I spent nearly as much time on it as I did on my legal practice

It doesn't hurt as bad now as it once did

"If I did cook crow," he said, "it would be delicious

"I did? Thanks

"I believe you just did."

He'd had other women in this bed during the past two years, and a few had stayed the night, but not one of those other lovers had made him feel content merely by the fact of her presence, as Tina did

Elliot did as he was told

You did the right thing, asking for an ID

"My God, Elliot, did someone really try to kill you?"

"What did this workman need to see you for?"

Frightened, dazed by the incredible speed at which her world had begun to disintegrate, she did as he said.

"We did give him two thousand on deposit," Elliot said.

"What did you find?"

She stayed a moment longer, staring back into the gloom, where the purple mercury-vapor light did not reach.

Why did Christina Evans ask you, rather than another attorney, to handle the exhumation of her son's body?

Where did she obtain this evidence?

If they hadn't seen their kids' bodies, they might have just gone through a year of doubt like you did, might be easily persuaded to join us in a call for the reopening of all the graves

Her heartbeat became less like the pounding of a jackhammer, but it still did not settle into a normal rhythm; now it was affected by excitement rather than terror

Al didn't believe her, but Tina did.

"First of all," Elliot said, "before he went into the mountains with Jaborski, in all the years you knew him and lived in the same house with him, did Danny ever show any signs of being psychic?"

Yeah, I do remember some little things he did that were sort of odd."

"Like the time he wanted to know exactly what his daddy did for a living

But we never did

That would be even more unlikely than the possibility that Danny did it."

After all, the last couple of years we were married, Michael was running around with a lot of other women, spending most of his time away from home, and Danny felt even more abandoned than I did

Or maybe he did know and just didn't give a damn about his ex-wife

On the one hand, she behaved as if she did not know the truth

Now George Alexander was the Nevada bureau chief of the nation's first truly secret police force - a fact that apparently did not weigh heavily on his liberal conscience.

Because the Network did not officially exist, it couldn't openly use its authority to gather information

But where the hell did he go?"

The sound of her laughter startled Elliot, but then he had to admit to himself that he did not feel menaced by the work of this poltergeist

The radio switched off, and so did the overhead light.

We're not going to make the same mistake they did and wind up back in their hands."

If anyone did glance out a back window, he would spot the two of them instantly.

Unable to prove his identity, he was required to pay for both nights in advance, which he did, taking the money from a wad of cash he'd stuck in his pocket rather than from the wallet that supposedly had been stolen.

At least half of the people who worked for it did not even realize it existed; some thought they were employed by the FBI; others were sure they worked for the CIA; and still others believed that they were in the hire of various branches of the Treasury Department, including the Secret Service

I know he did

The first sporting-goods dealer did not carry the maps, and although the second usually had them, it was currently sold out

All Sandstone did was move one hand slowly back and forth in front of Tina's face, simultaneously speaking to her in a quiet, rhythmic voice, frequently using her name.

"Apparently it did."

"I'm still not convinced your dream meant what you think it did

"How did you do that?" Billy demanded.

I just have to know how you did that trick with the drapes, the roses

"They did that this afternoon," Dombey said, tapping a pile of printouts that lay on the table

"Not only did someone on Project Pandora tell this Evans woman about her son

Elliot and Tina did not put their hands on the plate, but the inner door of the vestibule opened with another puff of compressed air

"If that's not good enough for you, I can shut you down the same way I did that damn machine

Dombey, who clearly did not share his associate's compulsion to play hero, remained docile in his chair

"For the public record, we did," Dombey said

"They probably did look a little bit like spacemen in their decontamination suits

Was it one of the security people, or was it someone on the medical staff? I'd like to think it was a doctor, one of my own, who finally did the right thing."

A year later, Tina has reason to believe the accident did not occur as reported - that her son is alive, is being held against his will, and is in desperate need of her

One good TV movie was aired and did okay in the ratings

'He did not want any friends,' John Openshaw went on, 'and he often drank a lot

'I didn't understand what he meant, and nothing happened for a few weeks, so I did not feel so worried

'When did your uncle get the letter from India, and when did he die?'

'So what did you do next?' asked Holmes.

Why did his Uncle Elias have to leave America? Because he had enemies

Now where did those letters come from? Did you see?'

But they did

'How did you find him, Holmes?' I asked.

The murderers of John Openshaw did not get the pips, but, in the end, death came to them.

They'll have enough trouble believing that I did it alone..

One thing I am sure of: my brother's wife certainly did not know how to set and operate this hammer.'

Do you know if your brother ever did any experiments with flies?'

'Where did you see this fly, Henri, and..

how did you recognize it?'

'And when did you see this fly for the first time?'

I did use the hammer twice

but to what? The commissaire would have known what to do with such an advantage; I did not

did you kill it?' she whispered, her eyes searching my face.

I then disconnected the telephone - I always did this now at night - and turned out all the lights except the lamp on my desk.

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'

He did not tell me first, knowing very well that I would never have agreed to such an experiment with our dog

When he did tell me, Miquette had been successfully transmitted five or six times.

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

He did not answer, but I heard him moving around

Shaking with fear, I did as he asked, and in less than five minutes I was back

I did not know what to do or say

I talked to him for hours about me, about our boy, about his family, but he did not reply.

'I think I did

'Oh! I didn't mean I was going to put a knife in his back, though I'd thank anyone who did

'He came out of prison yesterday and is promising to punish me! Why? Because when I, as a magistrate, sent him to prison, I did not consider his wife and children

Hurst asked Dr Haydock, 'When, in your opinion, did the death happen?'

What time did you say he died, doctor?'

'How did she seem?' I asked.

He went in, threw down the pistol, and said, "I did it." Just like that.' Satisfied, she left the room.

I could have answered that question, but I did not wish to involve Anne Protheroe

I am sure I know who did it

I did so

'If you did, it's there still,' said Griselda.

Nobody did

I did it." Just like that.'

'Perhaps she did,' said Haydock.

'How did you manage to have a pistol with you?'

'Why did you change the time of the clock?'

'But Mr Redding did not come to the house yesterday?' said Melchett.

'How long did the lady stay?'

'How did he know?'

'Where did you get the pistol, Mrs Protheroe?'

'But you did hear one?'

'Well then,' said Colonel Melchett, 'did you also see Mrs Protheroe's and Mr Redding's expressions as they walked along the road?'

'How did you guess that?'

'What did she shoot him with?'

'Where did she find it?'

Although I did hear her saying, she wanted to work herself

'Ah! Then they don't think Lawrence Redding did it

'Why? What did he kill Protheroe for?'

'It's not certain that he did kill him.'

'Yes, but did you hear any other shot - one down in the woods, perhaps?'

'What time did you hear it?'

'If he didn't do it, why did he say that he did?' said Slack

'But Mrs Protheroe did exactly the same.'

And if he says he did it, well, then he did.

Mary told him that Colonel Protheroe was there, so he went in - and shot him - just as he said he did!'

'When you did not tell me the truth about your clock.'

'Like you did when Miss Wetherby's bag of onions disappeared

'And Dr Haydock is certain that the murder could not have been committed at the time you say you did it

'How could I have thought for one minute that Anne did it? I met her in the studio that afternoon...' He paused.

I remember a clock lying there, but I did not touch it.'

'When did you last see your pistol?'

'Do you mind, Mrs Protheroe, just showing us exactly what you did?' Inspector Slack pushed open the glass doors, and she stepped outside and walked round the house to the left

'Is that exactly what you did?' Colonel Melchett asked her.

'And we did nothing wrong

'What did they threaten you with?'

'And you left immediately? How long did it take you?'

Why did she go to see Protheroe the night before he was killed?'

So I did

When did he have it?'

'If! There is no evidence of any kind that he did.'

'Oh! But they didn't, did they? Because I was in, you see.'

'How did the murderer come to the study? First way, along the road and through the gate

'I believe I did hear some shots.'

'Although nobody has ever thought that he did shoot Protheroe.'

'Whoever murdered Colonel Protheroe did not come this way! There's no sign that anyone climbed over this wall

'Ah, what did Mr Redding do most afternoons? He went up to Old Hall and painted Miss Protheroe's picture

'Awful, isn't it? Not knowing who did it.'

'So what did she say?'

And of course he did talk very loud.'

She said, "By this time tomorrow night, you may be dead." So when I heard about the murder, I said to Rose, "It's her who did it!"'

Griselda did not reply

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

'You think she did it? But why?'

'Where did you find it?'

But I did not put the jewel into her hand

'Lettice,' I said, and held out the earring, 'Why did you drop this in my study?'

'But she has only been in my study once since the murder, and then she was dressed in black and did not wear blue earrings.'

Mrs Protheroe did come to the study, but only as far as the window, not inside the room.'

'Where did you find this?'

I said gently, 'Lettice, why did you do it?'

'Sir, if you thought you knew where this suitcase was hidden, why did you not tell the police?'

'Yes, but Colonel Protheroe did say that he was going to have all his things valued for insurance

'Well, I did come to ask you if you would take the service tonight instead of me.'

'Excuse me, but did Mrs Protheroe ask you to go there?'

I did not reply.

But did I?

And I suddenly thought that perhaps it did not work.'

Where did you find it?

I took it out, but as I did so, the bell rang again, so I put the letter in my pocket and opened the front door.

'Where did you find this letter, Clement?'

We both did so

'What did he mean by that?' asked Melchett as we went upstairs again.

'But how did you know Hawes was ill?'

'Mr Clement, why did you come here this evening?'

'He did his best to get himself arrested for the murder.'

'I did not think it was right to speak until now, because I still needed one more fact in order to explain what had happened

And, very strangely, she did not take her handbag

'But when they did come out, their behaviour was happy and normal

But because of the murder they did not dare to appear upset

He did not know that it was always kept a quarter of an hour ahead

He did this to make it seem that someone was trying to make Mrs Protheroe look guilty

Lawrence Redding was not an innocent man, and so the news that Mrs Sadler had seen him change Mr Hawes' pills did indeed make him do 'something stupid'.

'I knew she had done it, so what did it matter if that proved she had killed him?'

Because it was so small, I did not see the Thing they were sending us, which was flying quickly towards me across that great distance

It seems to me almost unbelievably wonderful that, with that danger threatening us, people could continue their ordinary business as they did

If I had looked up I would have seen the strangest thing that ever fell to Earth from space, but I did not

This he did, soon after dawn

He did not imagine that it might be hollow.

'What did you say?' he asked

I turned, and as I did the screw came out and the lid of the cylinder fell onto the sand with a ringing sound

I know I did

After I had turned, I did not dare look back.

I thought about speaking to him, but did not

My wife, at least, did not think my experience unbelievable.

Both ignored, as I did, two obvious problems with this theory.

And we also learned that the Martians were so mechanically clever that they did not need to use their bodies very much.

But I did not consider these points at the time, and so I thought the Martians had very little chance of success

I did not know it, but that was the last proper dinner I would eat for many strange and terrible days.

Many people had heard of the cylinder, of course, and talked about it, but it did not have as much effect as a political event.

During that day the Martians did not show themselves

At the time it did not seem to me so urgent that he should leave his home.

The horse did not move (his neck was broken, poor animal!) and by the lightning flashes I saw the turned-over cart and one wheel still spinning slowly

Towards Maybury Bridge there were voices and the sound of feet, but I did not have the courage to shout or go to them

Or did a Martian sit inside each, controlling it in the same way that a man's brain controls his body?

In fact, apart from ourselves, there did not seem to be a living person on Maybury Hill.

Many people, though, did not realize how serious the situation was

Others did the same

In fact, the people in charge of the railway did not clearly know at that time

Plenty of Londoners did not hear of the Martians until Monday morning

Some did, but they needed time to realize what all the reports in the Sunday papers actually meant

The other one did the same

As I did, I heard another bang and something flew fast over my head

These broke when they hit the ground - they did not explode - and let out an enormous amount of thick Black Smoke

They did this to the black clouds near us, as we saw in the starlight from the upper window of an empty house

They only used the Heat-Ray from time to time that night, either because they had a limited supply of material for its production or because they did not want to destroy the country, but only to defeat its people

They stopped and waited for a few hours, but the doctor did not appear

They seemed in no hurry, and did not go beyond the central part of London all that day

But this did not change their plans, and they continued travelling east

They heard no more about the bread than this notice, and nobody else did either.

He was so interested in this that he did not look out to sea

Probably because it did not fire, it managed to get quite close

They did not know what it was

But the curate did not want to leave.

That second start was the most foolish thing I ever did

It did not use its Heat-Ray, but picked them up one by one and threw them into a large metal box which stuck out behind it.

He did not answer, but as soon as I began eating I heard him crawling towards me.

It was doing this so quickly and perfectly that I did not see it as a machine at first

Besides this they had a heart, but they had no stomach because they did not eat

They did not sleep, and because they had very simple bodies they never seemed to get tired

In twenty-four hours they did twenty-four hours of work.

But no human being saw as much of them as I did and lived to tell the story, and I can say that I have seen four, five or six of them slowly performing the most difficult work without sound or any other signal

He ate more than I did, and did not seem to understand that we had to stay in the house until the Martians had finished their work if we wanted to stay alive

I watched the fighting-machine closely, sure for the first time that it did actually contain a Martian

The Martians had made such an impression on me that at first I did not think I could escape

I did not think that they could be defeated by human beings

He did not move.

For a time it did not move, then it moved back through the door.

The tentacle did not come into the hall again, but I lay all the tenth day in the darkness, too frightened even to move for a drink

I did not enter the kitchen again for two days

When at last I did, I found that the food cupboard was now empty

This made me feel a lot better, and the noise of the pump did not bring a tentacle in through the opening.

His black hair fell over his eyes, and his face was dark and dirty and thin, so at first I did not recognize him.

I did not answer

He won most of the games, and when we did not want to play any more I went back up on the roof.

I did not take the trouble to touch them

I watched it for some time, but it did not move

It had happened in this way, and I and many others did not see that it would happen because terror and disaster had blinded our minds

I remember, clearly and in great detail, all that I did that day until the time when I stood crying on the top of Primrose Hill

I did not believe this at the time.

And it is strange, too, to stand on Primrose Hill, as I did only a day before writing this last chapter

Sherlock Holmes did not like aimless physical exercise, but one spring day I persuaded him to go for a walk with me in the park

I did not think this was a good idea, but she insisted

'That night I did not tell my wife about the strange face and the rude woman, but I did tell her that people were now living in the cottage.

She told me that she had wanted some fresh air, but I did not believe her

'When did your wife ask you for the money?' asked Holmes.

We did not have to wait long

Mr Grant Munro did not say anything for two minutes, and his answer was one of which I love to think

We did not say another word about the case until late that night at Holmes' house in Baker Street, just before Holmes went to bed.

Doctors did not know that I had liver illness

People called me 'a lazy little devil', and said, 'go and do your work.' They did not know I was ill with liver disease

When Uncle Podger did a job, everybody in the house helped

'Where's the hammer? Where did I put the hammer? Help me find the hammer!'

He did not want to work, of course.

First of all, the metal rods did not go into their holes

George did his job well, but Harris was completely confused.

We did exactly that

We wanted the water to think that we did not care about it

I woke up at six o'clock the next morning, and George did, too

Why did we wake up so early? It never happens to us when we're working.

I did something wrong, because I fell into the river

Harris hit the tin, and so did George

We did not sail into a strange land

As they did this, they cursed us

My friends and I are very unhappy to hear men of your age use such bad words.' The three old men did not agree with Harris.

After this, we did our shopping, returned to the boat and continued our trip up the river.

Harris did not fall into the river, because the river was far from us

George did not agree

We did not have a happy evening

But, I think we were right to come back when we did

'Where did we agree to go tonight?'

What did she say?'

Mensar-Arthur did go to London and bought something for all his wives and girlfriends

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and yet there seemed to be something missing - I did not know what.

Mrs Catherick told him that she wanted to put Anne in a private asylum, but she did not have enough money

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

'You've been so honest that I value you even more than I did before.'

His heart is broken, and so is Laura's! I did this, and I did it for Sir Percival Glyde!

'What did Anne Catherick tell you?' he cried

I know you spoke to her yesterday.' Laura told him everything, but he did not believe her

Madame Fosco would only inherit the money if Laura died before she did

The next day, when the Count returned from the lake, I heard Sir Percival ask him, 'Did you find her?' The Count did not reply but he smiled

'A very aristocratic family! Especially on his mother's side!' She stopped speaking suddenly, as if she had said something she did not mean to say.

When I left her house, I saw two men following me, but I did not care

I did not tell them what I knew

What did he want in exchange for the presents? Only the key to the vestry

I did not object: I have never loved my daughter.

He did not listen to what she said

But the Taliban did not like it.

Malala did not die, but she was very badly hurt.

But she did not stay there

She is famous because she did not stand up! When Rosa was a young woman, in many places in the USA, black people - who were called "coloureds" at that time - and white people could not sit together.

One of the places where black people and white people did not mix was on buses

Three of the black people on Rosa's bus stood up, but Rosa did not

What Rosa did on that bus was very important in the fight for black people's rights in the USA.

In the United Kingdom, the vote did not come until 1918

In Britain, politicians, the newspapers and the people were very surprised by what the suffragettes did

When they were put in prison, they did not eat

She did this because the government would not give women the right to vote

Some people did not like what the suffragettes were doing

Emmeline did not live to see it.

For example, in France, married women could not work if their husbands did not agree to it

They did cooking and cleaning, and they looked after children.

Although almost none of them carried a gun, they did "men's" jobs and got the same pay

This was because a lot of men did not come home from the war, so women had to work to look after their families.

But we must remember that it almost did not happen! In 1903, the French Academy of Sciences wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee

Later in the 20th century, there were more women in science, and some of them did very important work

However, they did not win any Nobel Prizes

Since then, many scientists and journalists have asked why Lise did not get the Nobel Prize

Another woman who did not get a Nobel Prize is Rosalind Franklin

Her father did not want her to be a scientist because it was difficult for women, and he told her to study something different

But Rosalind did not listen, and she went to study science at the University of Cambridge.

Many people believe that Rosalind, like Lise Meitner, did not get the Nobel Prize because she was a woman.

She did many things that women were not able to do before, like being an MP

She did not like it

Amelia was afraid, but she did not move

"I did not understand it at the time," she said later, "but I believe that little red aeroplane said something to me as it went by." In 1920, a pilot took her up in an aeroplane, and that changed her life

In 1932, she was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic, which she did in 14 hours and 56 minutes.

She was the first person to fly alone from Los Angeles to Mexico City, which she did in 13 hours and 23 minutes

And she was the first person to fly alone without stopping from Mexico City to Newark, USA, which she did in 14 hours and 19 minutes.

At 7:42 a.m., the Itasca got the message, "We are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship tried to reply, but Amelia's aeroplane did not hear it

She did many tests

The Americans did not send a woman into space until Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1983.

She did not wear the usual tennis dress worn by female athletes

But Billie Jean saw that women tennis players did not win as much money as men

But she did not just play tennis; she also made great progress for women's equality and for women's pay in sport