How to use "disaster" in a sentence


He had suffered terribly over the years and, until now, he had survived every disaster

She'd had no way of knowing that Jaborski's seventeenth trip would end in disaster, yet Michael blamed her

"Joking in the midst of disaster," she said.

I knew this whole business was too dirty to end any way but disaster." He sighed, as if a great weight had been lifted from him

You see, my first experiment with a live animal was a complete disaster.'

The last experiment was a new disaster, my poor Helene

It had happened in this way, and I and many others did not see that it would happen because terror and disaster had blinded our minds

'Ruin, ruin, ruin! Christ! See, Connie, the funny thing is that I am sure you are the only person who thought it was a disaster to have a sister who was the girlfriend of a big man.'