How to use "fiercely" in a sentence


He stared fiercely at him and said, 'So, it's you again! I was right

'So it's you again,' he said almost fiercely

Soldiers now occupied the top of the barricade, but were unable to advance any further because the defenders fought so fiercely

Then, moving to the gate, he shook it fiercely with both hands, trying to bend the bars with the last of his strength

"Living in a pod isn't real," said Sala fiercely

Her secret burned fiercely inside her

Pulling her gaze away from his, she studied her hands, which were gripping the steering wheel so fiercely that they ached.

"We got a hit, kid!" Joel said, and he hugged her fiercely, planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

The windstorm was still in progress, but it was not raging as fiercely as it had been when Elliot and Tina had watched it through the restaurant window