How to use "gently" in a sentence


The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

Madeleine said gently, taking her hand

'He hasn't come for you.' Then, gently rising from his chair, he moved towards Javert

'This is a very heavy bucket for such a small child,' he said gently, looking down at her from his great height.

Mme Thenardier rushed across the room towards Cosette who, afraid that she would be punished, put the doll gently on the floor and began to cry.

'Here,' he said softly, placing it gently on the floor in front of Cosette

The rope ladder was swinging gently above the empty street.

Marius kissed her pale forehead and laid her gently on the ground

He laid Marius down gently at the edge of the sewer, and looked down at his face

Valjean laid Marius gently on the grass and stood up, surrounded by silence, enjoying the feeling of fresh air on his face

Javert, Valjean and the driver carried Marius into the house and laid him gently on a sofa in M

Now, not many people come to this side of the forest at this time of the year, but if you see someone you just put the gun down gently in a bush or under some leaves

Remember to do it nice and gently and to say hello

Okay? So remember: if you see or hear someone, put it down nice and gently, and there will be no problem."

put it down gently...

Oh, we had a lot of fun!" Gran laughed gently

He asked her gently, but his words still came as a shock

Floating gently, Sala looked down into the water's depths

The big dolphin had only touched her gently, and looked into her eyes

She pushed it gently and, her knees trembling, she stepped into the room

"Hey, hey," said Mom gently

"All right, all right," said Gran gently

Instead, she imagined them standing in a beautiful garden, surrounded by greenery, with wild roses nodding gently nearby

'Not like you? Why shouldn't she like you?' said Maxim and he came across the room and kissed me gently.

Unaware that she was staring at him, the boy put one hand to his mouth and bit gently on his bent thumb knuckle, which Danny had begun to do a year or so before he died

She gently squeezed Tina's hand

She put her shoulder against it, pushed gently, then harder, and finally the door swung inward.

Michael led the way, gently pushing and elbowing through the holiday crowd, and Tina followed quickly in his wake, before the path that he made could close up again.

It's all right, Tina," he said gently.

Elliot put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently

Elliot touched her face, turning it gently toward him.

His hands moved over her, testing the firmness and resilience of her, and she touched him too, gently squeezing his shoulders, his arms, the hard muscles of his back

He put a hand against her back, gently but firmly urging her out of the foyer.

Elliot stepped to the jukebox and shook it gently

"How's your head?" Tina asked Elliot, gently touching the ugly knot that had raised on his temple, where the guard's gun had struck him.

'My dear, you can rely on me,' I said gently

'Yes' he knocked very gently.

'You know,' I said gently, 'not all girls are like Lettice Protheroe.'

I said gently, 'Lettice, why did you do it?'

'So it's the one man we never even thought about!' He went over to the sleeping man and shook him, at first gently, then harder

Very gently, when my mind was working again, they told me all they knew about what had happened in Leatherhead

I petI it gently

'No, I'm afraid to begin,' said Laura gently

'I'll be satisfied with that,' he said gently, and left the room.

When she met me she told me - very gently - that my love was dead.