How to use "hot" in a sentence


It's going to be hot again

There was no fire, but the hot lava still produced light.

I know! I'll look for some Bowers.' Then she thought, 'No, it's too hot for that and I feel sleepy.'

He took his teacup and put a little hot tea on the Mouse's nose

'It's hot

If there be an object to HURRY any of you in hot haste to a step which you would never take DELIBERATELY, that object will be frustrated by taking time; but no good object can be frustrated by it.

High and hot, and looking down on the crowds of people which wait on both sides of the empty road.

The music is so loud, and the bank, so hot

He takes a cigarette from his packet, lights it and lets the hot evening sun shine down on his bald head.

And he smiles and looks up at the hot sun.

In the day, when it's hot and sunny like today, they don't worry about anything

And the afternoon is hot

When he reaches the red steps, he is hot and sweaty

Today he just wants to get out of the hot courtroom, away from the serious lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and go and enjoy the sun.

He takes the back stairs, passes three or four lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and feels sorry for them: it is so hot today

But there is another part of you now, and it is not cold with fear: it is hot

But then the hot whiskey starts to fill him, and he smiles, puts his head back and laughs loudly into the desert.

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

No, this time the sun is high and hot, and this time Owen has his old guns over his shoulder, and he remembers the way that Junior's expressionless face changed when he saw them the night before.

The air of the tube platform is hot and dry, and the lights weak and unnatural.

Sala drank some of the hot, fruity tea, and felt her idea growing stronger

'And London was very hot and noisy

It was very hot, but the sun was hidden behind the wall of fog

'When you see Mr de Winter, Madam, please tell him there will be a hot meal ready for the men at any time.'

I suddenly felt very hot

It was very hot

The weather was very hot and the air was heavy

The air was hot and stuffy

It was hot in that crowded room, far too hot

It was hot, so hot

'It was so hot in there.'

She let the hot water beat down on her neck for several minutes, until the stiffness in her muscles melted and flowed away.

The tables were draped with white cloths and burdened with food: five hot hors d'oeuvres, lobster salad, crab salad, pasta salad, filet mignon, chicken breasts in tarragon sauce, roasted potatoes, cakes, pies, tarts, fresh fruits, berries, and cheeses

The heating system rumbled to life, and for a couple of minutes at a time, the blower whispered wordlessly as hot air pushed through the vents.

She couldn't see where she was going, because hot tears streamed down her face

A hot welling of tears blurred her vision, and she struggled to repress them

It was hot in her throat, but it didn't burn away the chill at the center of her.

that alone will require a lot more manpower than the police can spare for anything except a murder case, a hot kidnapping, or maybe a narcotics investigation."

"That's my middle name." He finished washing the first brandy snifter, rinsed it in hot water, and put it in the drainage rack to dry.

On hot summer days, these barren, sandy slopes seemed godforsaken, and they would not be made lush and green for another ten years at least

Vince's face darkened like a slab of Spam on a hot griddle

Alexander took a Valium out of a tin that he carried in his jacket pocket, and he washed it down with a swallow of hot coffee, which he poured from the silver pot on his desk

The writers had envisioned a heated roadbed not as ordinary blacktop but as an arrangement of thousands of interconnected hot-plate griddles

I simply said, "Well, a red-hot glowing road is a great visual." In fact, it would be such a fantastic visual that it would be visible at night from orbiting satellites, like a neon arrow pointing toward the secret installation that it served.

My brother lay flat on his stomach across the conveyor line which carried the white-hot pieces of metal up to the hammer

And young men are so hot-headed and so quick to believe the worst.'

Towards midnight on 12 August, one astronomer noticed a great cloud of hot gas on the surface of the planet

It was, however, still very hot from its flight through the air and he could not get close to it

It was the head of the shop assistant who had fallen in, looking black against the hot western sky

It was a lazy, hot day too

I got back to lunch at about two, very tired because, as I have said, the day was extremely hot and dull

The night was unexpectedly dark, and it was as hot and airless as the day

In another moment a great wave of very hot water came sweeping round the bend

High in the west the moon hung pale above the smoke and the hot, still beauty of the sunset.

I go out into the Byfleet Road, and vehicles pass me, a boy on a bicycle, children going to school - and suddenly they become strange and unreal, and I hurry on again with the soldier through the hot, dangerous silence

We wanted some hot water to make tea

If the water knows you are waiting for it, it will never get hot

After that, we had some hot water and whisky