How to use "late" in a sentence


I should reach my truck by late afternoon

Immediately I know this is trouble but it's too late to go back

Even on Monday evening, my housemates will just think I'm late getting back

I am never late for work

After Kristi and Megan left Aron, they got lost in the west canyon and arrived late at the meeting place

'No, he's not here, and Aron's never late

This meant that they wouldn't do anything until late the following day.

This means help will arrive too late

It's fifteen minutes late but I'm happy

It was too late to continue searching that night

It's never been this late before

The boy saw it, but it was too late.

He turned to help his own man, but it was too late

'Oh! Oh! I'm going to be late!' it said.

'It's getting very late!'

'She'll be angry with me because I'm late!'

It was too late

You see, the Duchess came late

'It's getting late.'

When it got late, he told me to take the harmonica with me, and I played it for a long time in my room.

It was late afternoon when I began to walk back to my room

It was late when the bus got to Mobile

The late summer and autumn had the heaviest rain of the year.

As he went out late at night he probably was not married

He was in his late forties, of medium height, broad-shouldered and strong

He went at once to visit him, but he was too late

Realizing that one of the girls must have dropped it, he picked it up and called after them, but it was too late

But he was too late; their carriage had already gone

Gillenormand called for Marius to come back, but it was too late

But it was too late

But it is too late: Robin pushes him back into the bank and John follows with the ladders on his shoulders

"All rise!" and Nick knows it is too late now.

But it is too late, and he does move...

He woke up late in the hotel room and was alone

Owen sees the boy throw the gun and tries to shout that it is just a deer, but it is too late

She tries to scream, but it is too late.

But she was too late

When she and Cham left the simulator center, it was still only late afternoon, so Sala went to the energy center

Before it's too late."

I'm going to be late, but it's important

She was over an hour late for meeting him at the simulator center, and because her ultranet connection didn't come back on until she was almost there, she couldn't even call him or send him a message

It's too late

It was too late for me to go back

'It's getting late, shall we go home?' I said

Tomorrow would be too late

When the late Mrs de Winter was alive, there were lots of parties and visitors, of course

Mrs Danvers noticed it was missing late this morning

It's the boat that belonged to the late Mrs de Winter.'

'It's too late, my darling, too late,' he said

'It's too late

'It's not too late,' I said, putting my arms round him

Rebecca came back from London very late

It is the body of the late Mrs de Winter

De Winter will have to say that the body in the boat was the late Mrs de Winter

'Mr de Winter, I want to find out exactly how your late wife died

Were you and the late Mrs de Winter happily married?'

It was too late to drive down to Manderley

'Stop him for God's sake.' But it was too late

'This is Jack Favell, my late wife's cousin

You knew the late Mrs de Winter well

We have come about the death of the late Mrs de Winter

At six minutes past midnight, Tuesday morning, on the way home from a late rehearsal of her new stage show, Tina Evans saw her son, Danny, in a stranger's car

But it was too late

While he went to fetch her Honda, she stood in the warm late-afternoon sunshine, unable to stop grinning.

She was certain to be quite late, but she wasn't going to worry about waking him.

Some people for whom she cleaned house insisted that she keep regularly scheduled appointments, and they did a slow burn if she showed up more than a few minutes late

Most likely, Michael won't be able to get hold of a judge until Monday morning, and by then it'll be too late."

Nancy, my late wife, and I decorated our first home

"Who?" Vince asked, but it was too late to cover the revealing look they had exchanged.

In half the countries in the world, there were secret police, modern gestapos, and citizens lived in fear of a late-night knock on the door

By the time he called the police and managed to explain the situation, they might be too late to help Tina.

In the foyer, Elliot jerked open the front door, pushed her through ahead of him, and they both plunged into the golden late-afternoon sunshine.

Too late, he saw the sign at the fourth intersection - NOT A THROUGH STREET - but they were already around the corner and headed down the narrow dead end, with nothing but a row of ten modest stucco houses on each side.

Kennebeck stood before one of the display cases, studying the minutely detailed rigging of a late-eighteenth-century French frigate

Then the guilt-stricken mother could have been permitted one last, late, ghastly look at the remains of her son.

Elliot Stryker had a rental car reserved for late-night pickup at the Reno airport

It's not very late."

Billy Sandstone was in his late thirties, as small and lean as a jockey, and his watchword seemed to be "neatness." His shoes shone like black mirrors

He often works there late at night..

'I'm already late for lunch.'

It is too late for advice now.' Then she turned away

And the 6.50 train was half an hour late! I didn't get home until half-past seven.'

'I am sorry it's so late

'But that train was half an hour late

It was very late and the moon was shining brightly

We did not say another word about the case until late that night at Holmes' house in Baker Street, just before Holmes went to bed.

We woke up late the next morning

You're late for the performance

James has come home late

But then he has been coming back late for the past few weeks

I won't let you question me like a prisoner every time I am a little late.'

'A little late! It is nearly two o'clock.'

The fight that Mary Wollstonecraft started in the late 18th century is still not finished

The first wave, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was mostly about women's right to vote

Lise was very famous late in her life, but she was not given the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry