How to use "medicine" in a sentence


"Professor, do you know anything about medicine?"

This time they wanted forty francs because Cosette was very ill and urgently needed medicine

I gave you a little medicine to help you sleep."

She finished it quickly, as though she were a child taking medicine, and then put the bottle away.

"'Laughter is a balm for the afflicted, the best defense against despair, the only medicine for melancholy.'"

"Balm for the afflicted, medicine for melancholy."

1.) I never saw Count Fosco give Lady Glyde any medicine.

Some women were working in medicine, for example, in early times

They are still important places to study medicine today.

The Curies' work helped to make X-rays, which are very important in medicine today

She is most famous for discovering a medicine for malaria, which has saved millions of lives.