How to use "number" in a sentence


'Why didn't we just get his phone number?' Megan asked as they drove back to Moab.

He also wanted to know the model of his truck and the license-plate number

He called Mrs Ralston for the license-plate number of her son's truck

How could she find the correct license-plate number?

She wanted to check the license-plate number she had given Brion

Elliot checked as she read out the number.

I'll call Officer Crider and give him the correct number.'

Steve gave him the latest license-plate number for Aron's truck and Officer Ekker sent his men out to look for it.

Officer Ekker checked the number with the national license office

Once again, the number was wrong.

The records showed his license-plate number as NM 846-MMY.

Finally, they had the correct number

License number NM 846-MMY.'

'Do you have a telephone number, or anything?' I asked.

'It's an old number,' he said, 'but perhaps she's still there.'

I phoned the number, and she wasn't.

More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return

Now demolished, number 29 was an old building with three floors

A total of seventeen poor people lived in number 29, which was a crowded, busy place

when John Richardson arrived at number 29

Albert Cadosch, a carpenter, lived at 27 Hanbury Street, next to number 29

Chandler arrived at number 29 and noted down that the woman was lying on her back, with a deep cut from left to right across her throat and mutilations to her stomach

on her way to Spitalfields market, she noticed a man and a woman talking outside number 29

Five people in number 29 could see the murder scene from their windows

When she came back at 1 a.m., there was a light in number 13 and Mary was still singing

He walked to his right round the corner, where there were two windows of number 13

During the years since the murders the number of suspects has increased.

What more could she say? Cham's number one consideration right now was his family, and she couldn't stand in the way of that; but she wished that he would at least think about other possibilities.

I knew the number of his room

You know my telephone number.'

'There's a telephone number here at the back,' she said

'Perhaps someone should phone that number

When he came back, he said, 'That was a doctor's number

'But we found your old telephone number in Mrs de Winter's diary.' Dr Baker looked at the page from the diary that Colonel Julyan was holding out to him.

'That certainly was my number,' he said.

It was so huge that a DC-9 airliner could be rolled onto it without using half the space available - a feat that had been accomplished as part of a production number on a similar stage at a hotel in Reno several years ago

Furious, she went into the kitchen, picked up the telephone, and dialed Michael's number

Male dancers, wearing black tuxedos for the opening number, stood tensely, an eye-pleasing collection of lean, handsome types.

The opening number was followed by a first-rate magic act in front of the drawn curtains

Less than ten minutes later, when the curtains opened again, the mirrors had been taken away, and the stage had been transformed into an ice rink; the second production number was done on skates against a winter backdrop so real that it made Elliot shiver.

She decided to try his number again in half an hour.

The number was 1001012, identified as the access for "Comps," which meant "complimentary guests," a euphemism for "big losers," who were never asked to pay their room charges or restaurant bills because they routinely dropped small fortunes in the casino.

Tina typed her personal access number - E013331555

After a moment's hesitation the computer asked for her name; she entered that, and the computer matched her number and name

He couldn't get the license number

He ran to the kitchen phone, snatched up the handset, and realized that he didn't know her number

He would never be able to con an unlisted number out of the directory-assistance operator

"Very nice little number," Tom said, nodding, licking his lips as he studied the Mercedes.

When they had landed, they'd been alert for unusual activity on the runway and in the private-craft docking yard - suspicious vehicles, an unusual number of ground crewmen - but they had seen nothing out of the ordinary

"Do you know his phone number?"

But I do know his agent's number

the growth rate of the parietal spot is directly proportional to the number of injections the boy's been given

Alexander dialed the number of the military security office at the Sierra lab

Considering the fearsome number of meetings I had to sit through, my per-hour wage penciled out at less than I would have made if I had taken a part-time job at McDonald's.

The number is...'

'I know the number.'

He picked up the telephone and asked for Dr Haydock's number.

Well, what number is it then?..

'Wrong number! HELLO, you gave me the wrong number..

My number is three five.'

During 1894, a great light was seen on the surface of the planet by a number of astronomers

By eight o'clock a number of boys and unemployed men were already walking to the common to see the 'dead men from Mars'

I fell a number of times because I was running with my head turned round

As the group moved forwards, a number of other people started to follow them.

I saw one old man with a big box and a number of flower-pots, angrily arguing with a soldier who wanted him to leave them behind.

The Martians, alarmed by the approach of a crowd, had killed a number of people with a quick-firing gun, the story said

Quite a number of people who had been expecting friends to arrive by train were standing at the station

On Waterloo Bridge a number of people were watching an odd brown liquid that came down the river from time to time

My brother turned towards Victoria station, and met a number of people like these

He noticed an unusual number of police controlling the traffic

A closed carriage came up the street, quickly followed by a number of other fast-moving vehicles

A number of people now, like my brother, were moving to the east, and some were even so desperate that they turned back towards London to get food

On Wednesday my brother and the two women reached Chelmsford, and there a number of people, calling themselves the Council of Public Safety, took their horse for food

Close to the shore was a large number of fishing-boats from various countries, and steamboats from the Thames

Beyond these were the larger ships - a great number of coal ships, ships carrying goods, and neat white and grey passenger ships from Southampton and Hamburg.

Once again, on the Surrey side, there was black dust that had once been smoke, and some dead bodies - a number of them near the approach to the station.

This machine was shaped like a spider with five legs and a great number of tentacles

Except in the corner, where a number of birds fought over some dead bodies, there was not a living thing in the pit.

A jeweller's window had been broken open in one place, but the thief had clearly been chased away, because a number of gold chains and a watch were lying on the pavement

I marched on without fear towards this great machine, and then, as I came nearer and the light grew, I saw that a number of black birds were circling and gathering around the top of it

I heard a large number of dogs fighting over the bodies that lay in the darkness at the bottom of the pit.

A number of people were standing by it, and some soldiers were busy in the middle

When we use the word "feminism", we are talking about a number of political and social movements and ideas that have one goal

Simone wrote a large number of books

However, the number of women working outside the home was still higher than before

In the 1950s and 1960s, the number of women who worked outside the home went up again.

Today, the number of women at work continues to go up

In these early times, the number of women in science was not high

And that is the highest number of women MPs in British history

Usually, in the world, the number of women in a country's parliament is 23 percent

In 2017, four of the countries with the highest number of women in their parliaments were in Central and South America

Still, she told her mother that she was going to be number one in the world

She was number one in the world in women's tennis

She was number one for five years in total (1967- 1968, 1971-1972 and 1974).

He won the Wimbledon men's tournament in 1939, and he was the world number one tennis player in 1941, 1946 and 1947