How to use "lighting" in a sentence


There he saw another man, who was lighting a pipe

A streetlamp shone through the only window, lighting the dark interior of the room.

It costs a lot to live in an earth apartment - you need constant lighting and heating

'Well,' said Maxim, lighting a cigarette

She took a deep breath and went into the market, where the air was so cold that it pierced her bones, and where the harsh fluorescent lighting was too bright and too bleak to encourage fantasies.

A lavish use of blue velvet, dark leather, crystal chandeliers, and thick blue carpet, plus an excellent sense of dramatic lighting, gave the mammoth chamber some of the feeling of a cozy cabaret in spite of its size.

Hairdressers and lighting technicians rushed about on urgent tasks

Beside the front walkway and then along the side of the house, low-voltage landscape lighting revealed the path.

Harsh fluorescent lighting.