How to use "problem" in a sentence


Climbing down will be no problem

Stop thinking about how bad the problem is, Aron

The problem is the weight on my legs

This left her with another problem

The problem with using the black rock was that it hurt my left hand

'I have a problem with needles

More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return

This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously

Then, in the moonlight, he saw the solution to his problem

So, the problem was solved! The man who threatened his happiness was going to die - was perhaps already dead.

Having been a mayor, he knew how to solve an awkward problem: the question of Cosette's real family He told everybody that he was not her father, but her guardian

You do what I say, no problem." And Nick looks at him for a moment: "You look okay now: these new clothes aren't bad."

I can go at night, dig up the concrete and get it, no problem."

"Is there a problem, officer?" And he looks at the gun on the cop's belt

Well, the problem is that we can't find one of our members of staff: Mr Fletcher."

If you have no gun, then there is no problem; we can come back for the gun another day

Okay? So remember: if you see or hear someone, put it down nice and gently, and there will be no problem."

if you have no gun, then there is no problem..."

"But that's the problem," said Cham

Honestly, I don't know what your problem is."

"You're thinking of leaving me for two whole years and you can't see the problem?"

"But I thought you said he was helping fix this problem at the meat laboratory," said Sala.

"No problem," said Cham

They didn't see the problem at all

"But the problem is, they can test Cham to check if he's lying

The dress rehearsal ran without a problem

He would most likely die on the stage, in the middle of puzzling out a tricky production problem.

She didn't bother picking up the knife, because she was sure the problem wasn't an intruder

"Must be a problem with the air-conditioning

If your inability to accept Danny's death was a serious problem, you wouldn't push it down into your subconscious

You're the kind of person who meets every problem head-on."

As he and Elliot ambled along the sun-splashed street, Kennebeck mulled over the problem in silence for almost a minute

His ships, sealed in their glass worlds, relaxed him; he liked to spend time with them when he had a problem to work out or when he was on edge, for they made him feel serene, and that security allowed his mind to function at peak performance.

Her guilt had grown gradually into a serious psychological problem

And the woman's evidently not one to hide or run away from a problem either

"What the devil is wrong with the engineers? Why can't they correct the problem?"

"Those guys'll spot the problem in a minute."

For a moment, Tina considered the problem

He said, "You know something? That problem with the window..

The problem is that some flaky people are attracted to this kind of work because of the secrecy and because you really do get a sense of power from designing weapons that can kill millions of people

No one threatened my life; neither of these women had an unkempt beard (or a kempt one for that matter); neither of them presented us with a body-odor problem; and neither of them indulged in furious political rants that sprayed spittle on those of us who just wanted to make a TV movie.

A few days later, Andre had a new problem which made him fussy and bad-tempered for several weeks

The end of all life, which is a distant possibility for us, is an immediate problem for the Martians.

The growing crowd, he said, was now becoming a serious problem, especially the boys

Few people connected the problem with the Martians.

But as soon as this feeling came, it left me, and my main problem became hunger

Well, that man must have a very big problem because he left his pipe

My big problem was my liver

One day, I had a little health problem

I now feel rather well, except for my liver problem

The next problem was where to sleep at night

'The problem is the frying pan,' Harris said

Anyway, the money isn't my only problem

Immense necessity! Universal want! We discovered this common problem when we met in Europe after Percival's marriage

The education of girls is still an important problem for countries around the world

Each wave looked at different parts of the same problem

Fourth-wave feminism uses social media to talk about the problem of harassment in the street and at work

Women are becoming leaders in business, but equal pay is still a big problem

One of the women who spoke about the problem was Carrie Gracie.

They are often paid less, and sexism and sexual harassment at work are a problem every day

Women are 50 percent of the world's people, and, when they cannot work, it is a big problem for the world.

But the big problem in any country is changing the way people think about child marriage - and that takes time.

Alyssa told women to write about sexism and harassment on social media to show how big the problem was

Time magazine gave the "Person of the Year" for 2017 to the brave women who spoke about the problem of sexual harassment and assault.

Women have started really talking about sexual harassment, which is a big problem in their lives.