How to use "rescue" in a sentence


My only hope is rescue, but I'll die before help arrives.

But there was something the officer didn't tell them: a person has to be missing for at least forty-eight hours before the police will start a search and rescue operation

All I can do is stay strong for another night and hope for rescue.

After Brion had called the Aspen police, the head officer, Adam Crider, started the rescue operation

He called Aron's housemate Elliot and asked him to manage the store and rescue operation until he returned

He often led rescue operations to find climbers lost in the mountains

Steve immediately arranged for a rescue team to join the police and help in the search

But now, with no sign of a rescue, my hopes are disappearing fast.

My rescue was only the first part of a long, difficult fight back to health

He felt sad that Fantine had not lived to see her child again, but happy that he had been able to rescue her child from the terrible Thenardiers

"If they scare you, just scream, and I can rescue you."

He was desperate to get out, and she was frantic to rescue him; but he was chained, unable to climb, and the sides of the pit were sheer and smooth, so she had no way to reach him

The only thing that scared her now was the possibility that they might find Danny - and then be unable to rescue him

If the rescue attempt went smoothly, as Tina's dream seemed to predict, they wouldn't have any need for much of what they bought

Jaborski didn't believe Bollinger's story for a minute, but he finally offered to take him to the wildlife center where a rescue effort could be mounted

Zorro says, "We are here to rescue Don Pulido and his family

Zorro and The Avengers rescue the Pulido family

Suddenly The Avengers come to rescue Zorro and Lolita