How to use "tears" in a sentence


There's not enough water in my body to produce any tears

But there are no tears - my body is too dry for tears.

He looked very sad and there were tears in his eyes.

Because she was very big, her tears were very big too.

But she couldn't stop the big tears and after a time there was water everywhere.

But this time her tears were small tears - she was small again!

The water was her tears.

Madeleine with tears in her eyes

Finally, he heard a small sound behind him and, turning round, he saw that Cosette was in tears.

'Why not?' Cosette said, drying her tears

Having said this, the old man burst into tears

He would then stare at the house for several minutes, tears rolling down his cheeks, before turning round and slowly returning home.

'Cosette, did you hear what he said?' Marius cried, tears of shame and guilt rolling down his cheeks

Cosette and Marius fell to their knees on either side of him, holding back their tears

She stands near to him, and he can see the tears in her eyes and the sad expression on her face, but this time he knows it is not real.

Is it my fault she is so stupid? So easy to manipulate? A little bit of blood on my face, a few tears, a fake story about him hitting me

"Gran, I can't believe he's even considering it." Her eyes filled with tears

She buried her face in her hands, and burst into tears.

She rested her head on her knees and let the tears flow.

Sala's eyes filled with tears

There were tears in her eyes

He's not the same person anymore," she finished, bursting into tears

that would mean leaving Cham behind forever." Sala's eyes filled with tears

Sala's tears began to flow

With her new strength of mind, she didn't think about the tears and hugs as she'd said goodbye

I could feel the tears coming into my eyes

The tears began to run down my cheeks

My pillow was wet with tears

I tried to keep back my tears

His whole body was shaking with fear and tears were rolling down his fat, round face.

My eyes were full of tears

I could not stop my tears now

I felt that she knew about my tears

For some reason, my eyes filled with tears

Gradually, day by day, week by week, she had put Danny behind her, with sorrow, with guilt, with tears and much bitterness, but also with firmness and determination

Wardrobe women mended tears and sewed up unraveled hems that had been discovered at the last minute

She couldn't see where she was going, because hot tears streamed down her face

A hot welling of tears blurred her vision, and she struggled to repress them

Several times, she was on the verge of tears as the sight of one object or another released a flood of memories

She blinked back tears and took a swallow of beer.

Elliot saw tears of happiness shining in her eyes.

Through sudden tears of pain, Elliot saw the young guard rushing him, and he squeezed off one whisper-quiet shot.

Blinking away tears, Elliot pointed the pistol at the older guard, who had drawn his revolver by now and had found that it didn't work either

Her tears might upset him

She struggled to contain her tears, but she needed all her willpower to keep her eyes dry.

Shaking violently, snuffling, he put his face against her neck, and she felt his scalding tears on her skin

She couldn't control herself any longer, so she allowed her own tears to come, rivers of tears, a flood

There were tears in her eyes

There were tears in Mary's eyes

'Oh-!' She burst into tears.

And as I looked at it, and realized that the shadows had been rolled back, and that people might still live in its streets, and that this dear city of mine might be once more alive and powerful again, I felt such emotion that I was very close to tears.

If Harris ever has tears in his eyes, he is eating raw onions

When old ladies and gentlemen look at him, tears come to their eyes.

Mercy broke into tears.

I love James and I am not interested in any other man.' Her voice was full of tears.

'I see,' she said, and for the first time in the one month since she agreed to be this man's lover, the tears which suddenly rose into her eyes came there naturally.

He hates tears, because, like many men, he knows they are one of the strongest weapons that women have.

Connie breaks into fresh tears, and James puts his arm around her

My eyes filled with tears

'Yes, there is someone,' she said in a trembling voice, and she burst into tears.

Laura's eyes filled with tears

'If I die, please tell Walter that I loved him!' Then she put her head on my shoulder and burst into tears.

She looked so lonely as she said those words that my eyes filled with tears