How to use "television" in a sentence


In its place there are a thousand adverts on a hundred television screens, a sea of lights that constantly move and change.

And on the television screens there are giant faces, clips from movies, news headlines, commercials for cars and perfume, chocolate and beer.

He looks up at the lights and the television screens

"I do, my son: it's on every radio and every television

Short and thin with a pale and unhealthy complexion from hours of playing his computer games and watching television.

Rhea says that it is just his age, and that all teenage boys prefer computer games and television to walks in the forest.

"Yeah, I saw how in films and on television."

Sure, he likes films and television and not sports, but maybe this can be their thing

Or maybe play a computer game or watch television.

Michael and Tina had helped him move his belongings to the den, then had shifted the couch, armchair, coffee table, and television from the den into the quarters the boy had previously occupied.

"And if he can jam a submachine gun, why couldn't he interfere with a closed-circuit television transmission?"

Therefore, I will devote what space I am given here to this novel itself and to the savage, brutal, cruel, maddening, insane, inane, nonsensical, stupid, bewildering, toxic, bloodcurdling, lip-chafing, toenail-curling experience of working with a major television network to adapt this novel, and three others, as part of a program that would have been called The Dean Koontz Theater or Dean Koontz Presents or possibly Here's Dean! or even Koontzapalooza

They said, "People cannot have a television or play music." In January 2008, the Taliban said, "Girls cannot go to school."

Malala used the name "Gul Makai" and began writing for the BBC (the United Kingdom's television and radio) about life with the Taliban