How to use "twice" in a sentence


Bowyer got no answer when he knocked twice

The gunner - a fair-haired, handsome young man - spun round twice with his head thrown back, and fell sideways across the cannon

They don't even look at us twice."

She stopped twice: once at the house of one of Mrs Dawson's friends and once at a local pub

'Many people marry twice,' I said

Neddler, the cleaning lady who came in twice a week, to vacuum and dust his unused bedroom as if nothing had happened to him

She remembered the two words that she had twice erased from Danny's chalkboard - NOT DEAD - and she realized that she'd forgotten to call Michael

You only give when you're sure of getting back twice as much

The first week, it happened twice

So now, they're twice as anxious to see it

The night watchman had heard the hammer twice

Once or twice the commissaire accompanied me and later I learned that he had also visited Helene alone

But she would not explain why it had been used twice

I did use the hammer twice

'Can you help me? Knock once for yes, twice for no.'

He knocked twice for 'no'.

His left hand knocked the desk twice.

'I had rung the bell twice

I read it once - twice - but I still could not believe what it said.

look it has been mended twice with silver bands that probably cost more than the pipe itself

She was married twice: once to my father, who was a poor man, and then to Mr Philip Fairlie, who was rich