How to use "vestry" in a sentence


I followed the parish clerk into the vestry, a small building attached to the church

It was not safe in the vestry, and it was the only evidence of Sir Percival Glyde's secret: that he has no right to his title and his property!

The vestry was on fire! I heard the sound of a man crying for help

For a long time I had felt nothing but hatred for Sir Percival, but I could not watch as he burnt to death in the vestry

Quickly I climbed onto the wall beside the vestry then onto the roof

At the inquest the next day, the parish clerk said that the key to the vestry had gone missing just before the fire

Nobody could understand why Sir Percival had been in the vestry

He had probably taken a candle with him into the vestry, because by then it was dark

The vestry was full of dry papers

What did he want in exchange for the presents? Only the key to the vestry

'By giving me the key to the vestry, you became my partner in the forgery,' he said