How to use "vicarage" in a sentence


It is difficult to know where to begin this story, but I have chosen a particular Wednesday at the vicarage

But Mary, who is a servant at the vicarage, just put a dish of unpleasant-looking cabbage on the table and left the room.

I returned to the vicarage by the garden gate

So, I'll come to the vicarage this evening, as we arranged, at a quarter past six.' And he walked away.

As I reached the vicarage gate, it opened and Lawrence Redding came out

I went on into the vicarage

'So, someone wanted to get you out of the vicarage,' Haydock said

And shot in the vicarage study? But you, dear Vicar, were not here at the time?' I explained where I had been.

'Now,' Melchett said, 'You say you went to the vicarage at about a quarter to seven

'You took it to the vicarage?'

'And you took it with you to the vicarage?'

'Did anybody see you entering or leaving the vicarage?'

Your house is next door to the vicarage so perhaps you saw something that would help us.'

She said she was meeting her husband at the vicarage

'And she went inside the vicarage?' Melchett asked.

Then Mr Redding came to the vicarage gate, looked all round...'

As I entered the vicarage, I could hear voices

Then he went back to the vicarage and asked for the vicar at the front door

I was rather worried about meeting Lawrence in the garden while my husband was inside the vicarage.

As we left the vicarage, Dennis came running towards us

I meant the call that got you out of the vicarage

That finishes with the vicarage

'I called to tell you how sorry I was that such a death has happened in the vicarage

When we had finished, I said goodbye and took the private path towards the vicarage

Third way - is there a third way? My idea was to see if any of the bushes were broken near the vicarage garden wall.'

This time we went towards the vicarage and finally to where the bushes grew against the wall.

Just opposite the vicarage gate is a public footpath

She had gone to the vicarage at about a quarter past six and thought that the study was empty

When I got back to the vicarage, Griselda met me in the hall

I wished Hurst good luck and continued on towards the vicarage

I returned to the vicarage and found my curate, Hawes, waiting for me in my study

But I picked up the other three letters and left the vicarage.

Well, this person said they saw a certain lady walk up the road that goes to the vicarage

I read it all, then picked up the telephone and asked the operator for the vicarage

I then took out of my pocket the note that I had found in the vicarage letterbox

For the next ten minutes, they were careful to be seen by people in the village, then at last Mr Redding went back to the vicarage

Then he left the vicarage, and met you outside, Vicar

'But mother sent a note to me, and I arranged to leave the tennis party early and meet her near the vicarage at a quarter past six