How to use "worried" in a sentence


'Yes, sure,' said Leona, feeling a little worried.

I'm afraid I'm rather worried about him

The Captain didn't seem at all worried.

He looked very worried.

He was looking very worried until he saw me.

But Mr Tribble seemed worried.

I was worried that perhaps -'

His family are worried about him, you see

She was worried about what would happen to her uncle when she died

'Oh, you're worried about the silver? I don't know where that is.'

'Then what can we say to her when she wakes up?' The nurse looked suddenly worried

He was too worried about Cosette

"You seem worried about something."

His face on her virtual interface looked worried

It worried Sala

They were so close to the pod center that she was worried there might be government agents nearby

So by the time she arrived, he looked desperately worried.

I'm worried about you

Maybe he was just being protective - worried that the rebels would put her in danger

She was tired, and worried

None of them seemed at all alarmed or worried about Cham.

"It really worried me

Frank Crawley was a thin man with a pleasant, worried face

We were all very worried about him last year

I was too worried to eat any lunch

I was worried

'Are you worried about something?' I asked.

I began to get worried about my costume

Only one thing worried her

She was also worried about being responsible for a ten-million-dollar budget

Tom Polumby didn't appear to be worried by their presence in his garage; he seemed merely perplexed

I'm worried about you, Tina."

Elliot was worried about her, afraid for her, but at the same time, he was glad to have her company.

He looked wet, tired and worried

'I didn't understand what he meant, and nothing happened for a few weeks, so I did not feel so worried

I remembered my uncle's letter from India, and I was very worried.

Do you see why I'm worried now? He has sent pips to John from London John's enemy is in London already!'

I was worried

But I felt worried because I now knew that Anne Protheroe was the kind of woman who would stop at nothing when her emotions took control

I was rather worried about meeting Lawrence in the garden while my husband was inside the vicarage.

I am very worried

'The police aren't sure.' I then told him that I was worried about my curate, Hawes, and that I was anxious that he should get away for a rest.

'Oh, but surely...' There was a worried expression in Miss Marple's eyes

I remember the dinner table that evening very clearly even now: my dear wife's sweet, worried face looking at me from under the pink lamp-shade, the white cloth laid with silver and glass, the glass of red wine in my hand

My wife was strangely silent during the drive, and seemed very worried

The strength of the Martians worried me so much that I had decided to take my wife to the south coast, and leave the country with her immediately

My brother was not worried about us, as he knew from the description in the papers chat the cylinder was three kilometres from my house

People in West Surrey are very worried and defenses have been built to slow the Martians' movement towards London.

He was now very worried about me.

No one worried about that very much

I was very worried about my wife

At that moment, I felt the beginning of something that soon grew quite clear in my mind, that worried me for many days

'The next day I had to go to the City, but I was so worried about my wife that I returned early to Norbury at about one o'clock

We got on the boat happily, but Montmorency was worried

Some of them were worried and afraid

Fortunately, he was worried about his wet cap and forgot about the church.

'Sissie, you look worried,' said Mercy.

Connie is beginning to get worried...

She was young and thin with a pale, worried face

This worried me, so I wrote to Mr Frederick Fairlie and explained the situation

During that time, Lady Glyde was so worried about her sister that she herself became ill and stayed in her room.

Why educate them for that? People worried that education was not good for women

The Nobel Committee said she was a brave person who never worried that she was in danger

She learned that the young girls she looked after were already worried about how their bodies looked