How to use "passenger" in a sentence


So the word 'passenger' describes you very well, don't you think?"

"Hey, passenger!" Sala was so excited

The boy was in the front passenger seat of the wagon, waiting for someone in the store

Elliot pushed her away from the Mercedes so he could open the door on the passenger side

She smiled at her bewildered host and went to the passenger side of the car while Elliot opened the driver's door.

"We've got men going over the passenger lists of every outbound flight." He picked up an ivory-handled letter opener, turned it over and over in his hands

They were in a ten-passenger jet that belonged to the Network, and the aircraft took a battering from the high-altitude winds that blew across its assigned flight corridor

George Alexander was the only other passenger

Beyond these were the larger ships - a great number of coal ships, ships carrying goods, and neat white and grey passenger ships from Southampton and Hamburg.

'Old J thinks he's a passenger and doesn't need to work,' Harris said.

When Mensar-Arthur saw Mercy, he reached across and opened the door to the passenger seat