How to use "poured" in a sentence


Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

Blood poured from the middle of his back.

I poured myself another cup of coffee

Someone else had poured coffee and stroked the dog

They poured down my face as I spoke.

Favell got slowly to his feet, walked over to a small table and poured himself some whisky

She spread a thin skin of peanut butter on them, poured a glass of nonfat milk, and sat at the table.

She poured two ounces into a water glass

Grimacing at the bitterness of the spirits, wondering why Michael had extolled this brand's smoothness, she hesitated, then poured another ounce

She poured a glassful and carried it into the master bath.

Helen Mainway chattered excitedly about the spectacular special effects, and Elliot Stryker had an endless supply of compliments as well as some astute observations about the technical aspects of the production, and Charlie Mainway poured a third bottle of Dom PS 233; rignon, and the house lights came up, and the audience reluctantly began to leave, and Tina hardly had a chance to sip her champagne because of all the people who stopped by the table to congratulate her.

At her request, Elliot poured RS 233; my Martin into two snifters and gave one glass to her

When he and Tina finished dessert, Elliot poured second cups of coffee

He had just opened a bottle of balsamic vinegar and poured four ounces into a measuring cup when he heard movement behind him.

In one smooth lightning-fast movement, Elliot seized the measuring cup into which he had poured four ounces of vinegar a few minutes ago, and he threw the contents in Vince's face

Alexander took a Valium out of a tin that he carried in his jacket pocket, and he washed it down with a swallow of hot coffee, which he poured from the silver pot on his desk

As Andre's body was released, the trapped blood poured all over the horrible mess revealed under the hammer.

When the servant brought my supper, I poured myself a glass of wine, and locked the door after her