How to use "smooth" in a sentence


I watch its smooth flight, following the line of the canyon

She had soft brown hair, pale, smooth skin, deep blue eyes and a lovely smile that lit up her face like sunshine.

Sure enough, the dolphins set off, their smooth, strong bodies sliding through the ocean

"Shhh!" In one quick, smooth movement, the woman pushed the note between Sala's fingers, nodded at her, and then set off rapidly toward the walkway

Beyond the rose-garden, the smooth grass stretched to the woods.

Twenty minutes later, at 3:45, she stepped onto the smooth cobblestones in front of the hotel's main entrance and handed her claim check to the valet parking attendant

"A very smooth character indeed," Helen said.

He was desperate to get out, and she was frantic to rescue him; but he was chained, unable to climb, and the sides of the pit were sheer and smooth, so she had no way to reach him

She was an excellent lover - silken, smooth, and uninhibited in the pursuit of her own pleasure - but she was also vulnerable and kind

In one smooth lightning-fast movement, Elliot seized the measuring cup into which he had poured four ounces of vinegar a few minutes ago, and he threw the contents in Vince's face

Elliot was not sure when Tina slipped under the hypnotist's spell, and he had no idea how this smooth mesmerism was accomplished

And there, with great excitement, I saw something smooth hidden under the leaves

The sound of its super-smooth engine was soft and gentle, unlike the hard banging of the girl's high-heeled shoes

She sat down and the door closed with a smooth little sound as the car slid away.