How to use "then" in a sentence


The boulder then hits my right arm and traps my hand against the right side of the canyon.

If I don't escape before then, I will die.

I stand and chip for twenty minutes, then sit and rest for twenty minutes

But then I hear a sound from above and realise my mistake

If he's not back by then, I'll call his parents.'

I put the camcorder on the boulder, then turn the screen the other way

Even then, the earliest they'll reach me is Thursday

And then, it happened...

Just then, I saw Ned Land, with his harpoon in his hands, climbing to the front of the ship.

Just then, we felt we couldn't swim any longer

I thought it was a rock, but then I realised it was metal

And then, we heard a voice:

They put us into a dark room, then closed the door behind us

Captain Nemo spoke to the short man in their strange language, then the short man left us

We all laughed, then continued looking for fruit and vegetables

"We can take the ship up, then try to free the monster."

There was a loud explosion and then, silence.

Wait for two minutes, then come up after me

'Perhaps I'll get bigger and then I can get the key

I haven't got any chocolates.' But then she saw a box of chocolates near her feet.

But then she tried to move and couldn't

First I get larger, then I get smaller, then larger..

Everything was quiet for a short time, then something hard hit her arm.

But then I changed - and then I changed again - and again.'

It did not speak for some minutes, then it said, 'So you're different, are you?'

Sometimes I get bigger and then I get smaller again.'

First its body went, then its legs

'And then they'll be nice to me and give me some tea and bread-and-butter.'

But then she saw the Queen

'All right then

And then she understood

'Oh!' said Alice, and then she understood

But then some boys hit me, and my Mom didn't want me to play with them again

Coach Fellers asked me to put on a football suit, then asked me to undress and dress again, twenty times, until I could do it easily.

And then I told him something that he didn't want to hear.

Then Jenny laughed and began to sing with my harmonica, and then everybody was saying 'Wonderful!' to me.

But then things began to go wrong again

Weasel made a bad mistake - and then the game finished, and we were the losers.

Bubba helped me to put my things in my suitcase, then he walked to the bus with me to say goodbye

After I left the idiot school, people were always shouting at me - Coach Fellers, Coach Bryant, and then the people in the army

Suddenly, the boiler began to shake and make noises - and then it blew up!

The enemy soldiers tried to blow us up for the next five nights, then it stopped

We began to move back to the hill, but Doyle suddenly saw more enemy soldiers who were going towards our men! We waited until they got to the top, then Bones began shooting with the machine gun

Doyle and I and the other two men threw grenades, but then an enemy soldier shot Bones in the head

I picked up Doyle and put him across my shoulders, then I ran towards the hill

There were bullets flying all round me from behind - and then I saw more enemy soldiers in the low grass in front of me! They were shooting at our men on the hill.

And then he died.

They were shouting unpleasant things, and then somebody threw a tomato at Colonel Gooch and it hit him in the face

I ran all round the airport, and then I ran into a toilet and locked the door

At last the army man finished reading, and then the President came up and gave me the medal

And then Jenny came on!

Later, I went outside and walked round for about half an hour, then went back

And then she saw me

'Walked out, like all the others.' And then she started to cry.

She listened quietly, then opened the car door for me to get in, and we sat and talked.

The others went quiet and looked at me, then looked at Jenny.

But then I did something stupid again

I bet all my money on myself to win - and then I lost the fight.

And then, in Boston, I realized that I loved you, and I was the happiest girl in the world

But then there was that girl outside the Hodaddy Club

Sue and I got off the bus at Savannah, then I went and got a cup of coffee and sat outside the bus station

I knew then that I didn't have an idiot for a son

He put his arms round me for a second, then went off to play with Sue again.

To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up", their oaths are unanimous

It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetual, by the Articles of Confederation in 1778

Is it true, then, that any right, plainly written in the Constitution, has been denied? I think not

Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before? Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws? Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens than laws can among friends? Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, and no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you.

But, in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me

'He knew my name then, did he?'

The clerk searched through his files for a moment and then he brought me some papers.

He left the forms in my office, said goodbye politely and then left.

He thought for a moment and then he spoke to me.

At the end of the cottages was the entrance to Brown's stableyard, and then the long wall of a school

They saw a policeman, Constable Jonas Mizen, not far away in Baker's Row, told him about the woman, and then walked on to work

Davis ran out into Hanbury Street, where he saw some workmen and shouted, 'Men, come here!' They followed him, looked at the body from the steps, then ran to find a policeman.

If the woman was Catherine Eddowes, then the man was certainly Jack the Ripper: about thirty, of average height, with a small moustache and a cap with a peak.

On August 7th, before the Buck's Row murder, a woman called Martha Tabram was killed and then stabbed ferociously with a knife 39 times

He then crossed the square towards an inn, and entered by the kitchen door.

He shook his fist at the church and then, cold and hungry, he lay down on a stone bench by the doorway.

'And the travellers in the inn eat better than this.' But then he looked at the table, and saw the beautiful silver candlesticks, knives and forks.

He then put his shoes into the bag and, grasping the iron bar in his right hand, he moved quietly towards the door of the bishop's bedroom

'I used to work in Paris, but my husband died and I lost my job.' She could not tell Mme Thenardier the truth, which was that she had been made pregnant by a young man who had then abandoned her

'My hair will grow again,' she thought, 'but teeth would be gone forever.' But then she thought about her daughter, and her own appearance suddenly seemed unimportant

What could she do? She had sold her hair and her teeth; what else could she sell? And then she decided that she had no other choice: she would have to sell herself.

Javert listened to her coldly, then ordered a policeman to take her away

He sat by her bed for an hour and then, having told the nurses to look after her, he returned to his home

She stared wildly at the two men, then turned to the nurse

He then carried Cosette, who was sleeping in his arms, along a dark corridor and up some stairs to the room he had rented since his escape from Montreuil

The beggar raised his face and stared hard at Valjean for just a second, then quickly bowed his head

Several minutes passed, and then the light disappeared

He walked around slowly, stopping to look at the ducks on the lake, then casually approached the bench where Mile Lanoire and her father were sitting

He gazed after her until she had disappeared from sight, then rose to his feet and walked around, laughing and talking to himself

The concierge then recognized Marius from the previous week

'Books!' she said, and then added with pride, 'I know how to read and write

Picking up a pen that lay on the table, she wrote on a piece of paper, Be careful! The police are coming! She showed Marius her work and then, changing the subject quickly, for no reason at all, she gazed into his eyes and said shyly, 'Do you know, M

In the bright mist that clouded his vision, Marius could hardly see the features of the sweet face that had lit his life for six months and had then disappeared, filling his life with darkness

He then returned to M

Marius considered her offer, then had an idea

But then he heard a loud voice from the next room.

He told the two girls to leave the room and then, when alone with his wife, he said, 'And I recognized the girl too

'We'll know what to do about it.' And then, as he was going to leave the room, he turned to his wife and said, 'You know, it's lucky he didn't recognize me

Thenardier then took the letter and gave it to his wife.

She listened at the window for a minute, then ran up to her bedroom, opened the window and looked out

I'll tell you then

But until then, I must give you my address

I'm living with a friend of mine, Enjolras.' Marius then took a knife out of his pocket and scratched his address on the wall - 16, rue de la Verrerie.'

'Well then,' the old man shouted, 'what do you want?'

'Well then, I imagine the lucky girl must have money.'

He then turned slowly to the old man, bowed deeply and said, 'Four years ago you insulted my father

Her eyelids trembled, and then she was still

So she still loved him! He thought for a moment that now he must not die, but then he thought, 'She's going away.'

The boy scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then, with a sudden movement, took the letter and ran off into the night.

Sounds of chains and of heavy wheels moving along the stone streets could be heard, and then soldiers came into view at the end of the street, pulling a large cannon

And then he had a sudden idea!

'You killed a man for just thirty francs? You're a fool.' He searched Marius's pockets himself, and then Valjean's.

He stared into Valjean's eyes for a long time, then, stepping back with a look of confusion in his eyes, asked dreamily, 'What are you doing here? Who is this man?'

'Good, then that is agreed,' M

He would then stare at the house for several minutes, tears rolling down his cheeks, before turning round and slowly returning home.

Thenardier looked puzzled for a moment, then said, 'Monsieur, I think you are mistaken.'

Marius studied the documents carefully, then looked up with a smile of joy

The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten

He then shut the door and got into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap.

I try to stand, but then I realise that my head hurts and that there is a sharp pain behind my right ear

But then I see the picture, and I stop.

I want to shout again, but then I do not

But then I see the light in the sky, and I realise that the shot was a flare

At first, I think that maybe I am quick enough, but then I hear the snap of the gun and feel the explosion in my back.

And then the guard is at the door, a short fat man who looks at us, smiles and then opens it without a single question

I can see Robin's gun appear in his hand, and then I am inside too, and I pull the door shut.

To my left I see the short fat man sit down on the floor with his hands on his head; then Robin runs to the office and kicks open the door.

"You can't be serious? A bank robbery?" And for a moment he looks surprised, but then he laughs

"What?" Hastings says, and then he looks at the bag

"So we need you to enter your details and then transfer two hundred and forty thousand pounds to this account

Do it, and then we go."

Robin then puts his mouth to Hastings' ear

For a moment there is nothing; then the fans start.

And then money fills the air outside

And then there is nothing but chaos.

"Ay, well, just for 10 minutes then."

He then gives him another long, hard look, but Oliver does not care.

Just one push, and then he can shout for the attendant and pretend to help but really just watch the monster go down into the loch

And then it happens.

For a moment he goes down, but then he kicks his legs, and he comes to the surface and looks up at Sylvia in the boat

"Yes, closer! Help me!" he shouts, and it is then that he sees the strange expression on her face again

And then the oar hits him on the head, and he cannot think, and he cannot swim, and the water takes him.

For a few moments he sinks slowly into the great loch, but then, somehow, miraculously, he kicks again, and he comes to the surface once more

"Right," he says, and tries to smile to relax her, "what's all this about, then? The officer at the front desk says you need to speak to someone."

She waits for a moment, uncertain, and then she takes a breath

"You work in Leeds, but you don't drive? I think your sports car can get you there a lot faster than the bus to Keighley and then the train to Leeds."

I see him at the train station sometimes; then he's there again when I get off the bus in the town centre here in Howarth

And then he follows me to my cottage."

A nice tea to calm you down; then we can start again and see if there are any other details."

He takes you to one of his old factories on the Thames, and then he shows you the boxes and the addresses of all the different locations in the world.

And then he starts to chop.

"Well you're no wuss then

See you later," he says to the brothers, then he heads for the truck.

For half an hour he unpacks his things; then he sits down on the terrace with his bag at his feet and lights another cigarette.

The box shuts in an instant, and then the gun is in his hand.

But then it is cigarettes, alcohol, garbage and vomit

And then he goes, and Jake is alone.

And then he sees the man.

But then the man looks to the right, and Jake knows it is his best chance

And then he is up and runs too, and he has the bag in his hands.

And then he realises that he does know.

For a moment there are people all around him, and he thinks he will never get there, but then he pushes past some kids who shout at him, and he is there

I am sailing from here to Southampton, then I intend to stay in England for some time

"No, because then he might escape

Michael takes a moment to think about it and then nods

Miss Lee then stabbed Mr Dawson in the neck with the scissors, and he died in seconds due to loss of blood

Cigarette time then, he thinks, and he leaves the courtroom

And then I get his money, and you and I can get the hell out of this city and out of this country."

Nick looks at her for a second and then turns and runs back to the door.

He moves towards another door and then hears someone else enter court.

For a second she is silent, but then she speaks again, though this time her voice is hard and angry

And then you think of Sophie, your cat

And then you hear it!

And then you know that yes, you can do it if you need to

And then you can see his face, and you realise that he looks more afraid than you do, and he is stepping quickly backwards to the stairs

And then he falls.

He pauses for a moment to try and remember what he has to do next, but then the door to the church opens again, and three women enter

"I want to help you, and if you confess all your sins to me, then maybe I can

I'm going to go close the church, then maybe I can find you that bit of food and some other clothes."

And then there is only the sound of Barry Brennan's shouts.

But then the hot whiskey starts to fill him, and he smiles, puts his head back and laughs loudly into the desert.

But then the songs stop, and the news report starts

any information call..." and then the signal fails, and there is only the sound of the old classic engine and the silence of the desert.

He remembers buying her a drink and then another and another

He remembers that afterwards they were in the hotel room kissing, but then something happened, and she laughed

And then...

If things get serious, then maybe he can manage if there is just one.

If he can get the gun, then he can escape

But then he moves

The cop falls too, and there is a moment of confusion, but then Dan pushes himself up onto his feet and runs

But then he hears someone running behind him, and he screams instead.

And then Brandon heard another gunshot, so he ran and left his brother in the snow to die alone.

I just know that if we ask them for a small amount, then they can pay

If you ask for more, you have to wait, and then there is the risk that they contact the police

But then there was that gunshot...

But then another truck appeared on the road behind him.

"Okay, one look, and then we go

I told him to apologise, and then we argued

But then he stops

And then they were all on top of him

But then he felt school ties being wrapped around his hands and feet and mouth

And Owen knew the boy was interested then, and for the first time in a long time he thought that maybe there was something they could do together

If you have no gun, then there is no problem; we can come back for the gun another day

"Right then, Son," he says feeling extremely happy and enjoying the excitement in his boy's eyes

"Now, I'm going to load the guns, and then we can follow the path there into the forest

But then they reach another clearing, and they hear something behind the trees.

But then Owen sees what is behind the trees: brown hair, big gentle eyes..

if you have no gun, then there is no problem..."

Then he laughs, and the two assistants laugh, and then the back of Hank's hand slaps Jimmy's face hard

For a moment there is nothing, but then two long, grey shapes appear in the clear water, and Jimmy starts to shout again.

But then the second is over, and he kicks Jimmy in the back, and Jimmy falls into the pool with a scream.

But then he slowly says something as if he does not himself believe what he is saying

"I guess he was telling the truth, then."

For a few seconds she walks and then turns back to look at the tube train

"What?" she tries to say, but then she falls to the floor

He smiled and kissed her, then gave her a taste-pot with a spoon: "I got your favorite

She gave Cham a package, then sat watching his expression as he slowly opened it.

And then someone had opened the door, making the whole illusion break up

Sala and Cham stepped off the walkway near their apartment blocks, and as they did so, someone knocked Sala's elbow, then held her arm for a second.

"Give this to your grandmother," she said, and then turned away.

Sala greeted her, then held out her hand

What's more, there was a force field at the city boundary that was impossible to cross: there were alarms there that sensed your wrist chip before you even got close, and then government agents appeared in seconds to arrest you

"But then..

Well, that's that, then," said Gran

Such adventures had been normal then, but they seemed almost magical now.

"See you then."

You could run, ride a bicycle, climb, or jump on different machines, which created energy, so then you added the units to your wrist chip

Your mother is in a very unusual position, you know - Cham's dad only gets bits and pieces of work now and then

"From her brother?" Cham paused for a second, then laughed

But then she thought of her Gran, and what she'd said about Cham's situation

And then, just like the first time, the woman stepped quickly onto the walkway and was soon lost among the crowds.

I'll see you again, the woman had said: well, then, there was really nothing to do but wait.

"I'll worry about it and then I won't be able to swim."

"And then, when everything is attached, the pod moves into a horizontal position, so you're lying down."

The dolphin whistled again, then turned away, its back making an arch in the water

Sala and Cham swam with them for a while - further out into the ocean first and then back toward the beach

And then she heard a voice: "Your hour is almost over

Cham laughed, and then looked at her anxiously

"I guess they take a 3D picture of you inside the pod, and then they create an avatar."

"And then the dolphins were making all that noise, and we laughed about them talking to us -"

But then she opened her mouth and the words just came out

Maybe it's part of the story, she thought sleepily - but then a light started flashing, and she opened her eyes.

Sala splashed some cold water on her face to wake herself up, and then hurried to the simulator center

"Tell me, then!" he demanded, suddenly sounding bitter

"Shhh!" In one quick, smooth movement, the woman pushed the note between Sala's fingers, nodded at her, and then set off rapidly toward the walkway

"She has to tell me more then."

Leti led them past the pods where they'd been swimming with dolphins, and then through some thick glass doors

"Can he have visitors then?" Sala enquired eagerly.

Sala touched Cham's hand with a sad smile, then followed Kaz back to the entrance

The night sky appeared behind him, then the flames at the edge of a star

If your body is in good health, you will then return to the pod for a further twenty-three months."

Cham's mom and dad took the screen, looking first at each other and then at Cham.

The screen was red, but as her skin touched it, it changed to orange, and then green

It turned to orange, and then green.

She arrived early and didn't have to wait in line, so in a few minutes, she was stretching her legs and then running mechanically, left-foot right-foot, on the machine.

But then she saw something yellow on the crowded street ahead: the woman's bag

Her guide was bending down, playing with her boot; and then she signaled with her fingers, inviting Sala on

"Why are you talking about it with me, then?" said Sala

all right, then."

"So, come on, then," said Cham

We can wait, can't we? If everything you say is true, we can do something about it then."

"Why not? By then, you'll be sure

"Let's get Gran, then you can tell both of us."

Even then, they weren't alone.

Everyone tried to be happy and cheerful, but then it was all over

And then, one day, it did

and then warning her about Wena and the rebellion

"You can try to talk to him then."

"And..." She paused, then forced herself to be brave

The line moved forward slowly; then a technician called Odem led them through the thick glass doors, past the test laboratory, and into a waiting room

And then..

And then, just before daybreak, she had an idea

Cham sat down and looked at the pictures that his sisters had drawn for him, then answered his parents' questions about the tests

'And then we could open the bottle when we wanted to remember the moment again.'

I smiled then, and he laughed back at me

'Why go there, then?'

'I'm afraid it's all my fault,' he said and then he shut the door

'It won't take long and then you can have your tea in peace.'

He went first to Maxim and then sat down beside me

I knew then that I had walked right round the house

I knew then that she had been watching me, laughing at my fear

I stood for a moment and then walked in.

'You never met her then?' the woman asked

First one fell and then the others followed

'If you are happy, then we are both happy.'

She gave me a kiss and then looked at me carefully.

I waited a moment and then went downstairs and into the library

I knew then that he was not going to tell me about his anger with Mrs Danvers

Very soon, more people arrived and then some more.

'All right, then, Frank

It was a drawing of a costume which I had sketched and then thrown away.

But even then, she cared for nothing and nobody

And then what will you do? You'll go to Mr de Winter and tell him that Mrs Danvers has been unkind to you

The first explosion was followed by another, then a third and a fourth.

And then we heard the sound of footsteps on the terrace below us.

'I did not kill her then,' he said

We all stood on the terrace for a moment and then Colonel Julyan looked at his watch.

And then I heard Maxim's voice, clear and strong.

I'm meeting Frank and Colonel Julyan at the church.' He left the room quickly and then I heard the sound of his car driving away.

What happened then?'

Mrs Danvers took the note, read it and then shook her head again.

And then - Baker - two o'clock

It was then that Maxim looked at me

I had a bath, dressed and then woke Maxim

It was then that I began to feel tired

And if that were the case, then he might have ended up in a foster home, in a new life

But then, inevitably, her fantasy burst, for he wasn't Danny.

But then, a few weeks ago, she had begun to slip back into the dreadful condition in which she'd wallowed immediately after she'd received news of the accident

Suddenly the sky was shattered by lightning, then by a hard clap of thunder, and the night imploded into a deeper darkness, into infinite and perfect blackness.

She had lost her child and her husband in the same year, the man first, and then the boy, the son to the grave and the husband to the winds of change

She took time off to carry and give birth to Danny, then to spend uninterrupted days with him during his first few months of life

From that, she moved up through a series of similar positions in larger lounges, then in small showrooms that seated four or five hundred in second-rate hotels with limited show budgets

In time, she directed a revue, then directed and produced another

Her obsessive fear of intruders in the house, her disquieting dreams about Danny, her renewed grief - all of those things might grow from her concern about Magyck! If that were the case, then those symptoms would disappear as soon as the fate of the show was evident

Michael and Tina had helped him move his belongings to the den, then had shifted the couch, armchair, coffee table, and television from the den into the quarters the boy had previously occupied.

Holding the pistol in front of her, she approached the closet, hesitated, then slid the door back

Both the VIP premiere and the opening night of Magyck! Would be behind her by then

Although she wasn't much of a drinker, indulging in nothing more than a glass of wine now and then, with no capacity whatsoever for hard liquor, she finished the bourbon in two swallows

Grimacing at the bitterness of the spirits, wondering why Michael had extolled this brand's smoothness, she hesitated, then poured another ounce

She finished it quickly, as though she were a child taking medicine, and then put the bottle away.

As Tina stood in this beautiful theater, glancing down at the colorfully costumed people milling about on the stage, then looking at Joel's rubbery face, listening as her co-producer unblushingly raved about their handiwork, she was happier than she had been in a long time

For a moment Tina racked her mind, searching for someone to blame, and then a name occurred to her

Beside the front walkway and then along the side of the house, low-voltage landscape lighting revealed the path.

If she phoned for them and then ran out of the house, they might not find an intruder when they came

No one was near them, yet suddenly two photos began to rattle violently against the wall, and then both flew off their mountings and clattered to the floor behind the beige, brushed-corduroy sofa.

She put them back where they belonged, then slid the sofa into place.

Vivienne looked both ways, then moved to the right, toward the closed door at the end of the hall

Moisture had condensed on the metal and then had frozen.

She put her shoulder against it, pushed gently, then harder, and finally the door swung inward.

One of the planes swung in tight circles, faster and faster, then in wider circles, steadily decreasing the angle between the line on which it was suspended and the bedroom ceiling

and then open again...

Sooner or later word of her ranting's about poltergeists might get back to her daughter in Sacramento, and then the pressure to move to California would become unbearable

And confession now and then

The cast of Magyck! Took several bows, then the crew, then the orchestra, all of them flushed with the excitement of being part of an unqualified hit

Standing near the left proscenium pillar, out of the main flow of the party, they nibbled at pieces of cake, talking about Magyck! And then about the law, Charlie and Helen Mainway, Las Vegas real estate - and, by some circuitous route, superhero movies.

"If Joel's right - and I'm sure he is - then it's best to get in the habit of staying away right from the start."

"Well, then..

"We can stop in here and watch the first few numbers in Magyck! And then go to the restaurant."

Tina gave her address to him, and then somehow they were talking about jazz and Benny Goodman, and then about the miserable service provided by the Las Vegas phone company, just chatting away as if they were old friends

Now and then, the refrigerator switched on, purring to itself

One of the models was flung from its shelf, then two more, then three more, then another, until all nine lay in a pile on the floor.

And then it died.

And if Michael had slipped into the house like a little boy playing a cruel prank, if he had written that message on the chalkboard, then his hatred of her was far greater than she had thought

She ate a light breakfast of grapefruit juice and one English muffin, then went to Danny's room to pack his belongings

She stopped at the easel, set it up as it belonged, hesitated, then turned the chalkboard toward her.

I'll get a cone, and then we can go outside, walk around the parking lot

It's not usually dangerous, except if he has a mouthful of food when he faints, because then he might choke to death.

But if Michael hadn't torn up Danny's room, if Michael hadn't written those words on the chalkboard, then who had?

He licked his ice-cream cone, studied her, and then he smiled

She was shocked by his reaction, then confused, and at last deeply saddened

"You were the one who started fucking anything that breathed, and then you flaunted each cheap little affair to hurt me

But then, who had done it? No one else had a key

She'd work for another hour, until five o'clock, and then go home

She smiled when she thought of him, then picked up the sheaf of papers that Angela had given her, anxious to finish her work.

She wiped them on her slacks and then quickly tapped out her request

She glanced at the printer, then at the words that flickered across the screen.

And then what?

The screen glowed with those words - then went blank.

She took a step toward him, but then she realized that he might have come here straight from a computer in one of the other third-floor offices

The vehicle skidded, then dropped a hundred feet straight onto rocks

I started sleeping well then

Besides, if it was you who wrote on the chalkboard and smashed things in the boy's room, then it was also you who came in here during the night and programmed the hotel computer to spew out that stuff about Danny

If I'd seen the body, then I'd have known for sure

"If your husband's likely to cause trouble, then we'll move fast and without fanfare

"Probably not even then, what with the four-day weekend."

Most likely, Michael won't be able to get hold of a judge until Monday morning, and by then it'll be too late."

I'll be back in five minutes, and then you'll see how a true culinary genius operates."

Like the relentless building of a storm wind and then the lightning

Of course, during the first of those two years, she'd still been married to Michael and had felt compelled to remain faithful to him, even though a separation and then a divorce had been in the works, and even though he had not felt constrained by any similar moral sense

As an hour passed in front of the fire, and then another hour, Tina discovered that she liked Elliot Stryker more with each new thing she learned about him.

And then he began planting small kisses on her forehead, on her eyes, on her cheeks, her nose, the corners of her mouth, her chin

He explored her body slowly, deliberately, first with his eyes, then with his loving hands, then with his lips and tongue.

Vince scratched his concrete-block chin with his shovel of a hand and then reached inside his jacket

"If you're working for a government intelligence agency, then go away and come back with the legal papers," Elliot said

If someone has, then we gotta spike his ass to a barn door

She dragged it into the bedroom, across the carpet, into the shafts of reddish-gold afternoon sunlight that filtered through the sheltering trees outside and then through the dust-filmed window.

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

She hesitated, but then opened the door without removing the heavy-duty security chain

When Elliot refused to move away from the sink to the breakfast table in the far corner of the big kitchen, Bob, the smaller of the two men, hesitated, then reluctantly took a step toward him.

Vince dropped to his knees, then onto his face

The lead story in this issue was about a boy, approximately Danny's age, mistakenly pronounced dead, then buried alive, and then exhumed.

When she opened the door, he came in fast, almost in a crouch, glancing past her, left and right, toward the living room, then toward the dining area, speaking rapidly, urgently

He wheeled around another corner, and then another, trying to disappear from the men in the van long enough to leave them with so many choices of streets to follow that they would have to give up the chase in confusion

He struggled with it for a moment, and then he realized that it was equipped with an automatic system.

Tom scratched his head, then pulled on one ear

"If you gave him a deposit, and if he gave you this address and claimed he lived here, then it's not very likely this Sol Fitzpatrick even owns any boat in the first place."

Elliot glanced at the garage door, then at his watch

Maybe he's still on the payroll of some spook shop, and maybe the whole plan was for him to pretend to retire and then get elected as a judge here in Vegas, so his bosses would have a friendly courtroom in town."

It happens now and then

"And then there's this damn thing."

and then fiddle with the computer at work?"

If that many voices were raised, then Vince's bosses couldn't risk silencing all of them, and we'd be safe

But if the other people had a chance to view the bodies, if none of them has had any reason to entertain doubts like yours, then they're all just finally learning to cope with the tragedy

"And then what? You mean..

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

And then there was Elmer."

Finally, he leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth, then her cheek, her eyes.

The only thing that scared her now was the possibility that they might find Danny - and then be unable to rescue him

If they found Danny and then perished trying to save him, that would be a nasty trick of fate, for sure

Willis Bruckster stared at them, then crumpled his game card with obvious disappointment and disgust, as if he had lost a few hard-earned dollars.

He began CPR, but then relented

If the woman actually hadn't known anything of the cover-up, then the Network could have used her ex-husband and the legal system to delay the reopening of the grave

Until then he'll hide out."

"He's bound to go to the police at some point, and then we'll have him."

Even if he was a natural then, there's no way he could still be as sharp as he once was."

If he's aged as well as he seems to have done, then he might even be sharper these days."

The Cessna hit an air pocket, dropped three hundred feet with a sickening lurch, and then soared to its correct altitude.

"But if that's where they went, then they're not just hiding out, licking their wounds

Maybe he'll elude it, and then he'll be spooked."

Elliot flicked on the overhead light and studied the map, then handed it to Tina

The sound of her laughter startled Elliot, but then he had to admit to himself that he did not feel menaced by the work of this poltergeist

The temperature drops abruptly, stays down for two or three minutes, never longer than five, and then it rises to normal again."

If you have to blame someone because you're feeling guilty about what we're doing here, then blame the Chinese, not me."

He knew then, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that he loved her.

He helped Tina over the cemetery wall, and then, clambering after her, he was sure that someone grabbed his coat from behind

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

Tina raised her head, glanced at the empty street behind them, then looked at Elliot

"I'd be alone then."

She tramped the accelerator into the floorboards, and the car responded with a shudder, then a surge of power.

It was Jacklin's job to conceive new welfare programs, convince the Secretary of Health and Welfare that those programs were needed, sell them to the Congress, and then establish convincing bureaucratic shells to conceal the fact that the programs were utterly phony; and as federal funds flowed to these false-front operations, the money was diverted to the Network

George was encouraged by the President to believe that eventually he would be promoted to the bureau chief of the entire western half of the country - and then all the way to the top, if only he could get the floundering western division functioning as smoothly as the South American and Nevada offices

She cried out, but then she saw that Death could not quite reach her

Abruptly her hand swung across the map, then back, then described a series of circles; the pen made meaningless scrawls on the paper

It flapped noisily to the other end of the room and then back again, finally falling like a dead bird onto the floor at Elliot's feet.

"Well, then-"

A minute passed, then another.

Apparently, Billy liked his view of the world to be as neat and uncluttered as everything else about him; if he started believing in ghosts, he'd have to reconsider his opinions about a lot of other things too, and then life would become intolerably messy.

She blinked in confusion, then glanced down at the route that she had marked on the map

They might find us by then."

The road descended into a gully, swung hard to the left this time, and then headed up again.

Elliot held the vehicle on the pavement as they rounded the bend, and then they were out of the guard's line of fire

"If Morgan wants to take it easy," Alexander said, "then he should be flying one of the aerial rides at Disneyland."

The ground had been rolled as flat as an airfield and then paved

But if this is a military operation, then most of the staff is probably assigned here under the same conditions submariners have to live with

He crashed into a desk, sending a pile of white and pink papers onto the floor, and then he fell on top of the mess that he had made.

He closed his eyes, and in his mind, he disassembled and then reassembled the weapon

But if you agitate the wound, you might tear a bruised vessel, and then you'll bleed to death."

The corridors had been deserted then

They stood, indecisive, looking left, then right, and then straight ahead.

She looked around, waiting for some sign from her child, and she and Elliot twitched in surprise when the overhead fluorescent tube winked off, then came on again

Zachariah regarded her as he might have done if she had been dead on the floor and then miraculously risen.

I'm going to cut up this next valley and then swing back around toward the installation and try to avoid some of these crosscurrents

She took a step, then another, and before she knew it, she was at the window, beside Dombey.

Elliot said, "But if racing to keep up with the Chinese - or the Russians or the Iraqis - can create situations like the one we've got here, where an innocent child gets ground up in the machine, then aren't we just becoming monsters too? Aren't we letting our fears of the enemy turn us into them? And isn't that just another way of losing the war?"

It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the United States, carrying a diskette record of China's most important and dangerous new biological weapon in a decade

"If I understand you, the Chinese could use Wuhan-400 to wipe out a city or a country, and then there wouldn't be any need for them to conduct a tricky and expensive decontamination before they moved in and took over the conquered territory."

"And by then he was able to pass the disease on to them," Tina said as she finished bundling Danny into the blanket.

By then he was worn out

And then he would know.

What sort of research do you think they might do then?"

I hope your enemies will be happy with that, and then you won't be in danger any more

When they arrive in America, they'll get the pips and then the police will catch them!'

It was then that Commissaire Charas took the phone

Watching my brother's back, I pushed the switch and the steel hammer shook slightly, then rose quickly

She had seemed perfectly sane then.

But then there were all the questions she had never answered: the most important ones.

I had thought about going to see the commissaire, but knowing that he would then start questioning Henri made me hesitate

What, then, could have made him put his head under that hammer? There were only two possible explanations

'You have it then..

'Helene, as soon as the police examine that fly they will know that you are not insane, and then...'

I then disconnected the telephone - I always did this now at night - and turned out all the lights except the lamp on my desk.

Any solid object placed in his 'transmitter' was instantly disintegrated - and then reintegrated in a special receiving machine.

'And I remember your friend, Professor Augier, saying that the only possible explanation was that the stones had been disintegrated outside the house, had then come through the walls, and been reintegrated before hitting the floor or opposite walls

'Are you saying that you have disintegrated that ashtray, then put it together again after pushing it through something?' I said.

He then opened the door of a telephone booth he had bought, and which he had made into his transmitter

He put a chair inside the booth, then said:

Andre then took me into the next room

'If this little animal is still alive and well in a month, we can then consider the experiment a success.'

And then one day Andre put Miquette, our dog, into his 'transmitter'

Of course I never thought that he would try an experiment with a human being, not then anyway

I went back to the house and put Henri to bed, then I returned to the laboratory where I found another note pushed under the door

My hand shook as I picked it up because I knew by then that something must be terribly wrong

Knock three times on the door to show that you understand and then fetch me a bowl of milk with some brandy in it.

I heard Andre moving behind the door, then it opened

I put the bowl on his desk, then walked into the next room where all the lights were on.

I heard Andre moving in the next room, and then a strange sucking noise, as though he had trouble drinking his milk.

And then I said, 'Henri caught a fly this morning, but I made him release it

He knocked once for yes, then pointed to the door

I must think and by then I will have typed out an explanation for you

But then I kissed him and made him understand what I wanted

Several furious knocks shook the door, and I knew then that he would never accept this solution

the thing's body shook for a second and then lay still.

It was then I noticed that he had forgotten to put his right arm, his fly leg - under the hammer

He takes the hat, then he walks away quickly.

If father died, then I would be all right.'

The excitement rose, then Miss Marple said, 'Bad girl! If you make things up, people often believe them, and sometimes that leads to problems.'

Griselda paused, then said, 'You do believe me, don't you? When I say there's nothing between Lawrence and me.'

'You'd believe me whatever I said, wouldn't you?' And then she left the room.

I opened the door and then stopped

I took a few steps across the room and then stopped

When he arrived, he bent over Colonel Protheroe and examined him, then he looked at me

There was the sound of feet in the passage outside, then the door opened.

Until then I will ask the questions.' He took out his notebook.

And then Dennis came in full of excitement because of a footprint he had found in one of the flower beds

'What about a silencer? Nobody would hear anything then.'

At first Redding didn't seem to know what he was talking about, and then said he didn't use one

'And then?'

'I didn't hear a shot then,' said Miss Marple.

'Well then,' said Colonel Melchett, 'did you also see Mrs Protheroe's and Mr Redding's expressions as they walked along the road?'

And then tell Mrs Protheroe that Mr Redding is innocent - well, then they might both tell you the truth.'

So I told Griselda everything that had happened that morning, then rang the bell for Mary

And if he says he did it, well, then he did.

Mrs Protheroe then went into Miss Hartnell's house to borrow a gardening magazine

'I'll call the station,' said Slack, 'and then we'll get to work on this room.'

'Mary had told him that you wouldn't be in till half-past six, and he was willing to wait until then

And then some of the old ladies often come in.'

As I sat there, I heard footsteps outside, they paused for a minute, then went away

It was then that I told him Miss Marple's theory.

And then I want to talk to Mrs Lestrange

But then Mary came in, 'Mr Hawes wants to see you

And then I also left to go and see Mrs Lestrange.

'So if anyone said that they'd seen you out and about then...'

For Anne's sake.' He paused, then said, 'What are you doing in the woods, Vicar?' I didn't know what to say.

'Well then,' said Lawrence

Dr Haydock then described the appearance of the body and the exact injuries

But something in me said, 'It can't be her!' Why? And then something else replied, 'Because she's a very attractive woman

And then, before he's even been buried, his daughter comes here and says I don't do my work properly.'

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

We then went into the dining room for lunch, where Lettice joined us.

But to my surprise, she continued along to the end of the passage, then up a narrow staircase and into a large dark room under the roof

If we'd been planning to go away together, and then Lucius had died - it would be so awful now

I then asked her about her financial situation

'But she has only been in my study once since the murder, and then she was dressed in black and did not wear blue earrings.'

Next, there was a very old coat, then an old cap and an old pair of boots

And of course, as you say, then Dr Stone would have no reason to murder Colonel Protheroe.'

'Of course, when the expert saw the silver, he would know it wasn't the real thing, and then Colonel Protheroe would remember that he had shown the things to Dr Stone...'

He was determined to punish him, so he had a lot to drink and then shot him

'The police aren't sure.' I then told him that I was worried about my curate, Hawes, and that I was anxious that he should get away for a rest.

'So, you knew him then?'

He paused, then said, 'It's true

'Dr Haydock said it was picric acid.' I then asked her the question that I had wanted to ask her for some time

So, why was he sitting at the desk then?'

There was the sound of feet, then a key turned in the lock, and a woman opened the door.

I read it all, then picked up the telephone and asked the operator for the vicarage

I then took out of my pocket the note that I had found in the vicarage letterbox

'So it's the one man we never even thought about!' He went over to the sleeping man and shook him, at first gently, then harder

Well, what number is it then?..

Yes, give me three nine - nine, not five.' And then, 'Hello - is that you, Haydock? Melchett speaking

It upset all my ideas and made me think he was not guilty - when up to then I had been sure that he was.'

'We know everything that Redding was doing up to 6.50 and Dr Haydock says Protheroe could not have been shot then.'

She's been Archer's girlfriend for a long time, and she was alone in the house when it happened! And then, of course, there was Lettice - wanting freedom and money to do as she liked

'And then, of course, there is poor Mr Hawes

Of course, I was always sure it was Mr Hawes, but then..

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

For the next ten minutes, they were careful to be seen by people in the village, then at last Mr Redding went back to the vicarage

And then he told him of her idea.

And then she told me that I should have trusted her.

'That is not wise just now.' And then her face went pink.

I never dreamed of it then, as I watched

He watched until one, and then we lit the lamp and walked over to his house.

Even then he hardly understood what was happening, until he heard another sound and saw the black mark jump forwards a little

He stood undecided for a moment, then climbed out of the pit and started to run into Woking.

The time then was around six o'clock

As it was then about a quarter past five, I went home, had some tea and walked up to the station to meet him.

But, looking, I soon saw something grey moving within the shadow, then two shining circles - like eyes

Then something like a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking-stick, came out of the middle and moved through the air towards me - and then another.

I heard it give a peculiar cry, and then another of these creatures appeared in the deep shadow of the door.

And then, coming from the direction of Horsell, I noticed a little black group of men, the first of whom was waving a white flag

I helped my servant into the back of the cart, then jumped up into the driver's seat beside my wife

I heard a church strike midnight, and then I saw Maybury Hill, with its tree-tops and roofs black and sharp against the red sky.

I paid little attention to the road in front of me, and then suddenly my attention was caught by something

He stopped for a moment, then walked across to the house.

Every now and then people looked nervously at the fields beyond Chertsey, but everything there was still.

It hit a church tower, knocking it down, then moved on and fell into the river out of sight.

Then I saw the four of them carrying the remains of the fallen one between them, now clear and then later faint through a curtain of smoke, moving away from me across a great space of river and fields

And then, very slowly

I was walking the roads to clear my brain, and then - fire and death! All our work - everything destroyed

Another pause, and then he shouted, 'The smoke of her burning goes up for ever and ever!' His eyes were wide and he pointed a thin finger in the direction of Weybridge.

Then, and only then, he understood something of the full power and terror of the Martians

And then men selling unusually early newspapers came shouting into the street:

The guns fired one ineffective shell each, then the soldiers ran away

We heard the distant sound of a gun, then another nearer, and then another

And then the Martian closest to us raised his tube and fired it towards the guns, with a loud bang that made the ground shake

This rose up in a cloud shaped like a hill, then sank and spread itself slowly over the surrounding country

It was no time for fair fighting, and my brother quieted him with a kick, then took hold of the collar of the man who held the younger lady's arm

He heard the horse move forwards and then the third man hit him between the eyes

And over the blue hills to the south of the river, the Martians moved backwards and forwards, calmly spreading their poison clouds over one piece of country and then over another

Then, far away, another appeared, stepping over some small trees, and then another could be seen even further away, crossing the flat mud that lay between the sea and the sky.

And then a quick movement of the steamboat (which had turned to avoid being hit) threw him off the seat on which he had been standing

A flame rose up through the steam and then the Martian began to fall over

And then he shouted again

We stood for a moment in terror, then ran through a gate behind us into a garden and hid in a corner until the stars were out.

There was a crash of glass, the sound of falling walls, and then the ceiling fell down in pieces on our heads

And then the light came, not through the window, which was filled with earth from the garden, but through a small hole that had been knocked in the wall

For a time the curate was silent, then he said, 'God help us!'

For hours we lay there in the darkness, while from outside came the sounds of hammering and then, after some time, a sound like an engine

I had seen the Martians themselves once before, but only for a short time, and then the sight had almost made me sick

The Martians might only stay in this pit for a short time, then move on

I heard six bangs and then six more

It moved the handle up and down for a moment, and then the door opened.

For a time it did not move, then it moved back through the door.

I hesitated, then with a rush of desperate courage, and with my heart beating violently, I climbed to the top of the pile of earth in which I had been buried.

I then walked up a hill to Putney Common.

He looked at me uncertainly, then his expression suddenly changed

And then there are the railways, where they go underground

When I passed streets that ran to the north it grew louder, and then houses and buildings seemed to cut it off again

I marched on without fear towards this great machine, and then, as I came nearer and the light grew, I saw that a number of black birds were circling and gathering around the top of it

And then I forget.

I have learned since then that I was not the first discoverer of the Martian defeat -several wanderers like me had already known about it on the previous night

But then I noticed how ill the people looked and how many of them still wore old and dirty clothes

No one had closed it since then

And then a strange thing happened.

Just then, as Holmes was talking, we heard someone walking up the stairs, and then a man walked into the room without knocking.

The man then took off his hat, and sat down on a chair.

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

Her name then was Mrs Hebron

I waited for about twenty minutes, and then she returned.

That was yesterday, Mr Holmes, and then I decided to come and see you for help.'

She then promises her husband that she will not return, but she wants to get rid of her blackmailers

'Now we can do nothing except wait for Mr Munro to call us, and then we will see if my theory is correct.'

We all left the cottage together, and then Holmes and I returned to London.

You can't even find a newspaper! If you want a rest and a change, then the best place is the sea.'

How wonderful this is! We go to bed, and then we dream under the stars! We dream that the world is young again.'

He then takes them around town to fight other dogs

We then went to Walton, which is a historical town

Montmorency watched us carefully and then left

'And then have supper at that little French restaurant,' I added.

It gets to London in time to eat something, and then go to the theatre.'

From the other room, Mercy's voice came and went as she undressed and then dressed again

Then there was only Mercy's footsteps as she went to wash her plate, and then left the kitchen

She heard Mercy having a bath, then getting ready to leave the house

They feel a little small, but then all new shoes are like that.'

But then he has been coming back late for the past few weeks

I looked at her in surprise and was about to ask her more, but just then I saw a carriage

She got into the carriage, then turned to me and kissed my hand

'Thank you!' she said, then the carriage drove off, and the woman in white was gone.

First I noticed that she was dark, then that she was young, and finally (to my great surprise) that she was rather ugly! She had a large, strong masculine jaw

She was married twice: once to my father, who was a poor man, and then to Mr Philip Fairlie, who was rich

My mother died, then Mr Fairlie died

I started to follow her, but then Miss Halcombe called me, and I returned to the drawing-room

Just then, Miss Fairlie passed by the window again

Sir Percival then turned to Miss Halcombe and said, 'My lawyer sent me the copy of that letter

Laura looked at him coldly then turned her back on him

I told Laura the good news, then she went for a walk alone by the lake, and I went to my room

She showed then to me later, and that made me want to kill him.

Just then there was a knock at the door

And then, instead of leaving ten thousand pounds to his sister directly, he left the money to Laura

'Let's forget about it,' he said, then he took my hand and put it to his lips

He then smiled to himself and laughed

I then went to Lady Glyde's room to see how she was

I'll stay until Miss Halcombe is well enough to leave, but then I must go.'

I then went to Limmeridge and saw my uncle

'Say what you've come to say and then leave,' she said in a cold, aggressive voice.

Quickly I climbed onto the wall beside the vestry then onto the roof

Perhaps he could escape through the window! I broke the glass, but then the flames jumped out of the open space.

Just then, the fire engine arrived

He had probably taken a candle with him into the vestry, because by then it was dark

He then told me what he had done to the register and he explained what the law does to people who commit that crime

But then he got into debt, and in order to borrow money he had to show a birth certificate and a certificate of his parents' marriage

The vicar says hello to me! But back then, when Anne was a child, my life was very hard

Just then, the Count looked up and saw Pesca

Anne, my wife and I then drove to London.

She then wrote Thoughts on the Education of Daughters in 1787

Since then, many women have fought for female education - women like Margaret Bancroft and Jane Addams in the United States of America (USA), and Maria Montessori in Italy

First, she helped her family, and then she helped others

this hardest of all fights, then..

The first country in Europe to allow women to vote was Finland, which was then part of Russia

Since then, many scientists and journalists have asked why Lise did not get the Nobel Prize