How to use "half" in a sentence


The west canyon goes back in a half-circle

In the hour and a half we've been together, we've already become friends.

For the last half hour, I've been thinking of my best chance of escape

7.0 pm I've been chipping at the rock for almost three and a half hours

There's still half a cup of water left, but I want to save it.

I've just lost half of the rest of my life.

Then I pour the clearer half of the urine into my water bottle

During the second half of the night, I have visions of myself as a child

It has taken me two and a half hours to travel six kilometres

After half an hour, the Dodo cried, 'Everybody stop! All the birds and animals stopped

She drank half the bottle

Later, I went outside and walked round for about half an hour, then went back

It took me about seven minutes to win the first game, and half an hour to win the next

'Forrest,' said Mr Tribble, 'You're a wonderful chess player, but I never know what's going to happen next! Here's half of the money that you've won - it's almost five thousand dollars

I played two songs - and a man walked past and threw some money into my empty coffee cup! I played two more songs, and soon the cup was half full of money!

Then she went on, 'He's half yours

Just over half an hour before, Russian and Polish Jews were having a discussion in the club

The Star reported the crime in very sensational language: the killer was 'half beast, half man', a 'demon', or 'vampire'

A leather cap half-hid his face, which was sunburnt and shining with sweat

It was half-open

He bent down to pick up his bag but, as he did so, he caught sight of the silver coin, half-buried by his foot in the earth.

The nearest water supply was half-way down the wooded hill on which Montfermeil stood, and Cosette hated fetching water, especially in the dark

The drinkers at the other tables paused, glasses half-way to their lips, and stared with disbelief.

Sometimes he stood for half an hour in a place where her father could not see him, looking at her and enjoying the small, secret smiles she sent him.

She had not entered the room, but was still standing in the half-light of the corridor.

Nearly half an hour passed

I wear a cheap hat, my jacket has lost half its buttons and there are holes in my boots.' He turned away from her and stood with his face pressed to the trunk of a tree, almost ready to faint

The poor condition of his clothes could not be seen in the half-darkness of the room

Within half an hour the sound of gunfire in other places had stopped, and the rebels knew that they were alone

At the foot of the smaller barricade, half-hidden by broken stones and pieces of wood, there was a hole in the road covered with an iron grille

Give me half of what you found in this man's pockets, and I'll unlock the gate for you.' He produced a large key from his pocket, and a piece of rope

Valjean, as her guardian, gave Cosette a large amount of money - half a million francs - but did not tell her that the money was his

But at the door he half-turned and said, 'Monsieur, if you will permit me, I would like to come and see her

Jean Valjean, who knew the mayor's background, reported him to the police and took advantage of his arrest to take over half a million francs from his Paris bank

For five minutes Oliver rows, and soon the jetty and the hotel look much smaller, while the attendant is almost impossible to see in the half-light of the new evening.

"Oh yes, that would be very nice!" She smiles, but in the half-light Oliver thinks he sees something strange in her expression.

Sylvia and the boat are gone, and the half-light is complete darkness now

For half an hour he unpacks his things; then he sits down on the terrace with his bag at his feet and lights another cigarette.

At half past two in the afternoon on the fifth of January Miss Stella Lee found Mr Dawson

They say this is premeditated murder because for half an hour Miss Lee looked for Mr Dawson; they also say she made her intention clear on three different occasions

The door to the spare room is half open, and you can hear the sound of the wind outside

And inside there is half a million euros

But there will be no fighting today: the few people that are here look half dead.

Sala half-wanted to rush home to tell Gran and Mom what had happened, but she didn't want to lose any of her remaining time with Cham

When you know what they're trying to do, you're one step ahead; you've won half the battle already

It was half an hour before our usual lunch-time

The bus left at half past two.

I went down to the lounge at half past nine

His face was half amused, half angry.

Beatrice arrived by car at about half past twelve

At half past eleven, Maxim phoned me from Frank's office

She half convinced herself that the dream was a premonition of Danny's eventual return to her, that somehow he had survived and would be coming back into her arms one day soon.

She bought a quart of nonfat milk and a loaf of whole-wheat bread that was cut thin for dieters, so each serving contained only half the calories of an ordinary slice of bread

Tina enjoyed dancing in the Lido, and she stayed there for two and a half years, until she learned that she was pregnant

If audience reaction was as strong and as positive as Tina hoped, her financial future was assured, for her contract gave her two and one-half percent of the gross receipts, minus liquor sales, after the first five million

His desk occupied one corner; tubes of glue, miniature bottles of enamel in every color, and a variety of model-crafting tools stood in soldierly ranks on one half of the desk, and the other half was bare, waiting for him to begin work

The focus of all the seats was the immense stage, a marvel of the size required for a Las Vegas spectacular, more than half again as large as the largest stage on Broadway

It was so huge that a DC-9 airliner could be rolled onto it without using half the space available - a feat that had been accomplished as part of a production number on a similar stage at a hotel in Reno several years ago

Carol had been shiny-eyed and breathless because the high rollers had tipped her with green chips, as if they'd been winning instead of losing; for bringing them half a dozen drinks, she had collected twelve hundred dollars.

She had two and a half hours to fill before she had to leave for the hotel again.

In the refrigerator was a half-empty bottle of white wine

At least a year and a half, maybe two years, had passed since a man had looked at her in quite that fashion

She decided to try his number again in half an hour.

Hundreds of gamblers - pretty young women, sweet-faced grandmothers, men in jeans and decoratively stitched Western shirts, retirement-age men in expensive but tacky leisure outfits, a few guys in three-piece suits, salesmen, doctors, mechanics, secretaries, Americans from all of the Western states, junketeers from the East Coast, Japanese tourists, a few Arab men - sat at the semielliptical blackjack tables, pushing money and chips forward, sometimes taking back their winnings, eagerly grabbing the cards that were dealt from the five-deck shoes, each reacting in one of several predictable ways: Some players squealed with delight; some grumbled; others smiled ruefully and shook their heads; some teased the dealers, pleading half seriously for better cards; and still others were silent, polite, attentive, and businesslike, as though they thought they were engaged in some reasonable form of investment planning

"Not here," she said, half-shouting

He could not remember ever having been half so clumsy in the kitchen as he was this evening

He spent an hour and a half in his library, paging through legal casebooks, boning up on precedents for the exhumation of a body that, as the court had put it, "was to be disinterred in the absence of a pressing legal need, solely for humane reasons, in consideration of certain survivors of the deceased." Elliot didn't think Harold Kennebeck would give him any trouble, and he didn't expect the judge to request a list of precedents for something as relatively simple and harmless as reopening Danny's grave, but he intended to be well prepared

We haven't been told the details, not even half of them

In half the countries in the world, there were secret police, modern gestapos, and citizens lived in fear of a late-night knock on the door

The magazine contained half a dozen illustrated horror stories

At first, she half believed that he was trying to be funny, playing a game to amuse her, and she was going to tell him that none of this struck her as funny

He glanced at the rearview mirror and saw a black van pull away from the curb, half a block behind them.

Behind them, the van dwindled rapidly, until it was a block and a half away

I don't enjoy taking guns away from men half again as big as I am."

"About half the others were buried without viewings," Tina said.

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

Many of them had been Presidential appointees, occupying high-level posts in the federal government; a few had served on the President's cabinet, in half a dozen administrations, though none had ever deigned to run for an elective position

He could destroy the Network, given half a chance

In the middle of the west wall - one of the two shorter walls - opposite the entrance to the room, was a six-foot-long, three-foot-high window that provided a view of another space, which was only half as large as this outer chamber

"The temperature's dropped thirty-five degrees in there during the past minute and a half," Zachariah said worriedly

Although he spent more than half his time working in his Las Vegas office, he often had reason to fly to far points at the spur of the moment: Reno, Elko, even out of the state to Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah

Lesser amounts, ranging from only one hundred million to as much as half a billion, were secretly extracted from the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, and other government bodies on an annual basis.

This slot was one of the half-dozen most powerful in the Network's executive hierarchy

George was encouraged by the President to believe that eventually he would be promoted to the bureau chief of the entire western half of the country - and then all the way to the top, if only he could get the floundering western division functioning as smoothly as the South American and Nevada offices

At least half of the people who worked for it did not even realize it existed; some thought they were employed by the FBI; others were sure they worked for the CIA; and still others believed that they were in the hire of various branches of the Treasury Department, including the Secret Service

He had enjoyed those murders so immensely, had been so profoundly thrilled by them, that he had, by choice, performed the executioner's role on half a dozen other assignments

After half a minute, she felt the power leave her hand again.

After half a minute, all of the unnatural movement stopped, and the room rapidly grew warm again.

Let's just hope my philosophy doesn't turn out to be half-baked."

This was his second pill since he'd gotten out of bed just three and a half hours ago, but he still felt edgy.

The second gate was one and a half miles past the first, on a short length of straightaway, just over the brow of a hill

"He'll need half an hour anyway," Hensen said.

"You haven't heard half of it yet."

Tina had pulled the blanket off the bed and folded it in half, so she could wrap Danny in it for the trip out to the Explorer

Bollinger was probably at the bottom gate two and a half hours after he walked out of the door here, three hours after he was infected

"He must have reached the scouts five or five and a half hours after he was infected

The scoutmaster had parked the expedition's minibus on a lay-by about a mile and a half into the woods, and he and his assistant and the kids had walked in another half-mile before they encountered Larry Bollinger

He showed us a small, half-burnt piece of paper

You remember the half-burnt paper? That was Uncle Elias's American diary

There were papers everywhere, chairs lay on their sides, and one of the window curtains was half-torn and hanging down

Then I saw that the hands of the clock pointed to a quarter to five, which meant that it was really half-past four, so I got up and went to the sitting room

When he had gone, I tried to write my sermon, but at half past five, the telephone rang

'He's dead - he's been dead for half an hour, I think.'

'He has been dead just over half an hour, I think

'I said about half an hour, but...'

'That child is not half so dreamy as she pretends to be

'Mary had told him that you wouldn't be in till half-past six, and he was willing to wait until then

About half-past six

'About half-past six.'

Well, the telephone call was at about half-past five.'

And the 6.50 train was half an hour late! I didn't get home until half-past seven.'

I went straight home afterwards, and Mrs Protheroe called at about half-past six to borrow a gardening magazine

I will come over at half-past nine

They left at just after nine o'clock, and at half-past nine exactly, there was a little knock on my study window, and I opened the glass door for Miss Marple to come in.

He wouldn't have needed to tell you that he couldn't wait any longer until after half-past six

'But that train was half an hour late

We left each other before half-past six

The planet Mars, I need not remind the reader, goes around the sun at an average distance of 224,000,000 kilometres, and receives from the sun half of the light and heat that is received by this world

Nearly half a meter of shining screw stuck out

I half-turned, still keeping my eyes on the cylinder, from which other tentacles were now coming out, and began pushing my way back from the side of the pit

As it passed it gave a deafening howl that was louder than the thunder - 'Aloo! Aloo!' - and a minute later it was with another one, half a kilometer away, bending over something in a field

After this it seemed that the three Martians spoke together, and those who were watching them report that they stayed absolutely quiet for the next half-hour

For a day and a half he stayed up there, tired, hungry and burnt by the sun before it was safe to come down

He said he would catch up with them by about half-past four in the morning, but it was now nearly nine and there was no sign of him.

My brother heard that about half the members of the government had met in Birmingham, in central England, and that enormous amounts of explosive were being prepared to be used in the Midlands

We crossed Richmond Bridge at about half-past eight

They had large, round bodies - or perhaps heads - about a metre and a half across

Before he was half-way across the floor, I was right behind him

I lost my way among the streets, and soon saw down a long road, in the half-light of the early dawn, the curve of Primrose Hill

'Wake us up at half past six, George,' we said.

We reached Sunbury Lock at half past three

It had half a tail, half a nose and only one ear

We worked hard for half an hour, but we peeled only four potatoes

We found half a pork pie, a tin of fish and a few broken eggs

However, half an hour later, Mr and Mrs Swan returned with eighteen other swans

They come and stand half out of the water

'We'll return at half past ten for the dog and for a good supper,' I told the restaurant owner.

The Count burnt the letter, and, half an hour later, he and the Countess were gone.

Ten years after her book was published, more than half of the workers in the West were women

When women started to do paid work in the 19th and early 20th centuries, almost half of it was cleaning and cooking in other people's homes

But women earned half the money that was paid to men for the same jobs